Uniswap V1 version
Exchange Contract (ERC20)
- addLiquidity
- removeLiquidity
- ethToTokenSwap
- ethToTokenTransfer
- ethToToken
- tokenToEthSwap
- getPrice (CSMM)
- getOutputAmount (CPMM)
- getOutputAmountWithFee
Factory Contract
- createExchange
- getExchangeAddress
StakingReward Contract
- totalSupply
- balanceOf
- stake
- withDraw
- getReward
- notifyRewardAmount
- lastTimeRewardApplicable
- rewardPerToken
- earned
- updateReward
NFT Contract
- setBaseURI
- setSale
- mintPlanet
- tokenURI
- withdraw
Deploying contracts with the account : 0x73e4160145caFC3495F2993FaF86c91F16e54622
Factory Contract Deployed at : 0xeA8B952Ed4E5393C1935Ba25Fe3e5A2bc85D824C
Token Contract Deployed at : 0xEF81F5c21741a3cD4e6287EAEc7C35012e670338
Exchange Contract Deployed at : 0xB322C31048A7aD9e6C600Cee2d7AFb8D62775AB0
StakingReward Contract Deployed at : 0x2EeB3cEbF066E016a5A12048FD0F3d11026efef2
NFT Contract Deployed at : 0xAdEE79E77c46f9266Cfb4332F822c740Cd630363
yarn hardhat compile
yarn hardhat test test/Exchange.ts
# deploy
yarn hardhat run --network goerli scripts/deploy.ts
#red hat verify
yarn hardhat verify --network goerli