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This repository provides code related to our manuscript describing the use of NLP to infer missing metadata in the SRA

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PredictMEE - Predicting Missing Metadata with Entity Extraction


Conda or miniconda installation

The PredictMEE model and analysis workflow requires a variety of packages to be installed prior to running the code. The easiest way to install all the necessary packages is by installing the Anaconda3 or minconda3 python package manager.


The data download script to automate the download and preprocessing of the SRA attribute-value pairs is still a work in progress. For now, you can download the preprocessed attribute-value pairs from SRA here via Synapse, along with other relavant files.

Word Embedding Model

The downloadable word2vec model can be found here


You can clone this repo to the curent directory with

git clone

Configuring environment

Then, install the required packages with the following commands

cd predictMEE/config
conda env create -f PredictMEE_2020_08_24.yml  # Load the envrionment
conda activate PredictMEE_new # Activate the environment

If you are planning on recapitulatiing the full analysis, you will need to mimic the file structure shown below.

├── bin
│   ├── dataLandscapeSRA.ipynb
│   ├── downloadData.ipynb
│   ├── evaluateModel.ipynb
│   ├── evaluatePrediction.ipynb
│   ├── generateTestSet.ipynb
│   ├── mergeAttributes.ipynb
│   ├── predictMetadata.ipynb
│   └── trainModels.ipynb
├── config
│   └── PredictMEE_2020_08_24.yml
├── data
│   ├── allSRS_05_15_2018.pickle
│   ├── BioSampleAttributes.pickle
│   ├── BioSampleAttributes.xml
│   ├── sra_dump.pickle
│   └── wikipedia-pubmed-and-PMC-w2v
├── doc
│   ├── figures
│   ├── submission
│   └── tables
├── models
└── results
    ├── embedding
    ├── prediction
    ├── training
    └── validation

Running notebooks

Certain notebooks require data and output from other notebooks. In order to run the analysis as was completed for the paper cited below, run the notebooks in the following order.

  1. downloadData.ipynb
  2. dataLandscapeSRA.ipynb
  3. mergeAttributes.ipynb
  4. generateTestSet.ipynb
  5. trainModels.ipynb
  6. evaluateModel.ipynb
  7. predictMetadata.ipynb
  8. evaluatePrediction.ipynb

Accompanying publication

Klie, A., Tsui, B.Y., Mollah, S., Skola, D., Dow, M., Hsu, C.-N., and Carter, H. (2021). Increasing metadata coverage of SRA BioSample entries using deep learning-based named entity recognition. Database 2021.


This repository provides code related to our manuscript describing the use of NLP to infer missing metadata in the SRA






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