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Single Cell Analysis of aortas from PCSK9-D374Y, HFD vs MTPi treated pigs

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Single Cell of Pig Aorta plaque Samples

Paula Nogales, Daniel Morales, Diana Sharysh, Carlos Torroja, Fátima Sánchez-Cabo, Jacob F. Bentzon

This code will help to reproduce the clustering and annotation of the single cell RNA-Seq experiment of Pig Aorta plaque Samples from PCSK9D374Y Pigs under HFD or MTPi treatment, published in:


1 Abstract

Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with the radiolabeled glucose analog fluoro-deoxyglucose (18FDG) is widely used to monitor atherosclerosis in clinical trials, but the information that 18FDG-PET imaging provides on plaque biology is uncertain. The longstanding paradigm that 18FDG is mainly taken up by macrophages is at odds with human and experimental data, and the impact of disease activity on 18FDG uptake has not been directly examined. Here, we developed a large-animal model of plaque regression in proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin type 9 (PCSK9) transgenic minipigs and analyzed the ability of 18FDG-PET to monitor disease activity and the underlying mechanism. Atherosclerosis was induced through 12 months of high-fat feeding, and disease activity was then lowered for 3 months by reducing plasma cholesterol levels with a low-fat diet or the combination of a low-fat diet and microsomal transfer protein inhibition. Regression of plaques was evident by reduced lipid content, smaller necrotic core size, and partial resolution of plaque inflammation. Remarkably, the changes were accompanied by lowering of 18FDG-PET imaging signal to that of non-atherosclerotic controls. To understand the underlying mechanism, we produced single-cell gene expression profiles from progressing and regressing plaques and found that reduction of disease activity was followed by substantial downregulation of genes encoding glycolysis enzymes in SMCs, modulated SMCs, macrophages, and lymphocytes. The combined findings show that 18FDG-PET imaging can monitor disease activity in atherosclerosis because disease activity is tightly linked with glycolytic activity of all of the major cell types in atherosclerotic plaque.

2 Experiment design

Single cell gene expression analysis of Aorta plaque derived cells from 11 PCSK9D374Y Pig Samples.

6 animals on High Fat Diet (HFHC) from 3 to 15 months to induce atherosclerosis and 5 of those animals changed to standard diet supplemented with BMS-212122 (LF/MTPi) for 3 months before single cell experiment.

Cells have been captured in one lane per sample of the Chromium Next GEM Chip G (10x Genomics) targeting for 15^4 cells per lane.

Libraries have been prepared using the Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 3’ GEM, Library v3.1 kit from 10x Genomics

Sequenced in the HiSeq 4000 Illumina platform with I1 (10nt), R1 (28nt) and R2 (90nt).

3 Data

To reproduce the analysis of the related paper you will need to download from the BioStudies reposotory E-MTAB-13898 the following files:

Samples and Genes Metadata:

  • sampleMetadata.txt.gz
  • genesMetadata.v109.feb2023.archive.tsv.gz

CellRanger Quantification Files Per Sample:

  • Sample_Aorta_9897_barcodes.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Aorta_9897_features.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Aorta_9897_matrix.mtx.gz
  • Sample_Aorta_9901_barcodes.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Aorta_9901_features.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Aorta_9901_matrix.mtx.gz
  • Sample_Aorta_9909_barcodes.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Aorta_9909_features.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Aorta_9909_matrix.mtx.gz
  • Sample_Aorta_9911_barcodes.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Aorta_9911_features.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Aorta_9911_matrix.mtx.gz
  • Sample_Pig1_Aorta_barcodes.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig1_Aorta_features.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig1_Aorta_matrix.mtx.gz
  • Sample_Pig2_Aorta_barcodes.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig2_Aorta_features.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig2_Aorta_matrix.mtx.gz
  • Sample_Pig3_Aorta_barcodes.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig3_Aorta_features.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig3_Aorta_matrix.mtx.gz
  • Sample_Pig4_Aorta_barcodes.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig4_Aorta_features.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig4_Aorta_matrix.mtx.gz
  • Sample_Pig5_Aorta_barcodes.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig5_Aorta_features.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig5_Aorta_matrix.mtx.gz
  • Sample_Pig6_Aorta_barcodes.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig6_Aorta_features.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig6_Aorta_matrix.mtx.gz
  • Sample_Pig7_Aorta_barcodes.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig7_Aorta_features.tsv.gz
  • Sample_Pig7_Aorta_matrix.mtx.gz

Doublets Prediction File:

  • ConsensusDoubletFinderResults.txt.gz

4 SetUp R environment


# Color palete
color.list <- c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired"),brewer.pal(12, "Set3"),brewer.pal(8, "Pastel2"),colorRampPalette(c("grey20","grey70"))(4))
to <- color.list[22]
ss <- color.list[18]
color.list[22] <- ss
color.list[18] <- to

myColors <- c(`Macro/Mono/DC` = "#EE766F",
              `SMCs/modulated SMCs` = "#7DAF29",
              Lymphocytes = "#22B7BE",
              `Endothelial cells` = "#9F81BA",
              HFHC = "#AB4267",
              `LF/MTPi` = "#29A4A7"

5 Sample Metadata

## [1] "F:/LABS/Bionos/scRNASeq-Aorta-Pig"
sampleMetadataFile <- "sampleMetadata.txt.gz"
sampleMetada <- read_delim(sampleMetadataFile,delim = "\t")
## Rows: 11 Columns: 12
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## Delimiter: "\t"
## chr (12): Sample, Gender, Condition, id, Genotype, Tissue, Experiment, Strai...
## i Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## i Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
knitr::kable(sampleMetada,format = "simple")
Sample Gender Condition id Genotype Tissue Experiment Strain Assay_Type Instrument Organism Platform
Sample_Pig1_Aorta Female HFHC S9440 PCSK9 Aorta E1 Pig 3_UMI 10X Pig ILLUMINA
Sample_Pig2_Aorta Female LF/MTPi S9447 WT Aorta E1 Pig 3_UMI 10X Pig ILLUMINA
Sample_Pig3_Aorta Female HFHC S9471 PCSK9 Aorta E1 Pig 3_UMI 10X Pig ILLUMINA
Sample_Pig4_Aorta Female LF/MTPi S9473 WT Aorta E1 Pig 3_UMI 10X Pig ILLUMINA
Sample_Pig5_Aorta Female HFHC S9472 PCSK9 Aorta E1 Pig 3_UMI 10X Pig ILLUMINA
Sample_Pig6_Aorta Male HFHC S9443 PCSK9 Aorta E1 Pig 3_UMI 10X Pig ILLUMINA
Sample_Pig7_Aorta Male LF/MTPi S9475 WT Aorta E1 Pig 3_UMI 10X Pig ILLUMINA
Sample_Aorta_9897 Female HFHC S9897 PCSK9 Aorta E2 Pig 3_UMI 10X Pig ILLUMINA
Sample_Aorta_9901 Male HFHC S9901 PCSK9 Aorta E2 Pig 3_UMI 10X Pig ILLUMINA
Sample_Aorta_9909 Female LF/MTPi S9909 WT Aorta E2 Pig 3_UMI 10X Pig ILLUMINA
Sample_Aorta_9911 Female LF/MTPi S9911 WT Aorta E2 Pig 3_UMI 10X Pig ILLUMINA

6 Load CellRanger Counts Matrices

FASTQ files for each sample were processed using 10X CellRanger software (v6.0.0), using Sus scrofa genome reference Ss11.1 (Ensembl gene build v109). Pseudogenes and small RNAs have been removed from the reference.

crPathFrom <- "."
crPathTo <- "CellRanger.Quantifications"
sampleMetada$FilteredCellRangerCounts <- file.path(crPathTo,sampleMetada$Sample)
if (!dir.exists(crPathTo)) {
  cellRangerFiles <- dir(crPathFrom, = T,pattern = "^.+(mtx|barcode|feature).+$")
  sampleNames <- unique(sub("_(barcodes|matrix|features).+$","",cellRangerFiles,perl = T))
  dir.create(crPathTo,showWarnings = F)
  dc <- lapply(file.path(crPathTo,sampleNames),dir.create,showWarnings = F, recursive = T)
  dc <- lapply(
    function (x, pathFrom,pathTo) {
      sampleFilesFrom <- dir(pathFrom,pattern = x)
      sampleFilesFrom <- sampleFilesFrom[grepl("^.+(mtx|barcode|feature).+$",sampleFilesFrom)]
      sampleFilesTo <- file.path(crPathTo,x,sub(paste0(x,"_"),"",sampleFilesFrom))
        from = file.path(pathFrom,sampleFilesFrom),
        to = sampleFilesTo,overwrite = T)
smList <- lapply(sampleMetada$FilteredCellRangerCounts,Read10X,gene.column=1)

names(smList) <- sampleMetada$Sample

smList <- lapply(names(smList), function (x,myList) {
  l <- myList[[x]]
  colnames(l) <- paste(colnames(l),x,sep=".")
  myList = smList)

names(smList) <- sampleMetada$Sample

rawCounts <-,smList)

7 Load Genes Metadata

Genes metadata have been obtained from the corresponding Ensembl BioMart archive. To add more gene names for those missing we have used human orthologs provided by ensembl compara with a orthology confidence of 1 or a combined identity over 140% (%pig_id+%human_id).

Low expressed have been annotated to filter them out prior to clustering.

genesMetadata <- read_delim("genesMetadata.v109.feb2023.archive.tsv.gz",delim = "\t")
## Rows: 35670 Columns: 12
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## Delimiter: "\t"
## chr (8): external_gene_name, wikigene_name, ensembl_gene_id, gene_biotype, c...
## dbl (3): start_position, end_position, gene_strand
## lgl (1): isExpressed
## i Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## i Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
genesMetadata <- genesMetadata %>%
  filter(ensembl_gene_id %in% rownames(rawCounts))

MTGenes <- genesMetadata %>%
  filter(genesMetadata$chromosome_name == "MT")
RBGenes <- genesMetadata %>%
  filter(gene_biotype == "rRNA" | grepl("^ribosomal protein",description))

SGenes <- genesMetadata %>%
  filter(external_gene_name %in% cc.genes$s.genes)
G2MGenes <- genesMetadata %>%
  filter(external_gene_name %in% cc.genes$g2m.genes)
HBBGenes <- genesMetadata %>%

# Get TCR and IG GeneSet from BioMart
IGGenes <- genesMetadata %>%
TRGenes <- genesMetadata %>%
# In case you want to know how to build the genesMetadata table follow this code
# Get genes metadata from BioMart 109
# mart <- useEnsembl(biomart = 'genes', 
#                    dataset = "sscrofa_gene_ensembl",
#                    version = "109")
# genesMetadata <- getBM(
#   attributes = c("external_gene_name"
#                  ,"wikigene_name"
#                  ,"ensembl_gene_id","gene_biotype"
#                  ,"chromosome_name"
#                  ,"start_position","end_position","strand"
#                  ,"description")
#   ,uniqueRows=T, mart = mart )
# # Remove duplicated ensembl_ids
# genesMetadata <- genesMetadata[!duplicated(genesMetadata$ensembl_gene_id),]
# # Anotate empty gene names with wikigene names or human orthologs or ensembl_ids
# # Increase gene annotations with human orthologs
# genesHumanHomologs <- getBM(
#     attributes = c("external_gene_name",
#                    "ensembl_gene_id",
#                    "hsapiens_homolog_ensembl_gene",
#                    "hsapiens_homolog_associated_gene_name",
#                    "hsapiens_homolog_perc_id",
#                    "hsapiens_homolog_perc_id_r1",
#                    "hsapiens_homolog_goc_score",
#                    "hsapiens_homolog_orthology_confidence"),
#     uniqueRows=T, mart = mart )
# # Get high quality orthologs
# # by combining percentage identity of pig-human pairs > 140
# # or confidence anotation == 1
# genesHumanHomologsHQ <- genesHumanHomologs %>%
#   mutate(globalId = hsapiens_homolog_perc_id+hsapiens_homolog_perc_id_r1) %>%
#   arrange(-globalId) %>%
#   filter(hsapiens_homolog_orthology_confidence == 1 |
#            globalId > 140) %>%
#   group_by(ensembl_gene_id) %>%
#   top_n(1,-globalId) %>%
# %>%
#   arrange(-globalId)
# # Add wiki or ortholog gene names or ensembl_id when no pig gene_name is found
# genesMetadata <- genesMetadata %>%
#   mutate(external_gene_name = case_when(
#     !grepl("^$",external_gene_name) ~ external_gene_name,
#     grepl("^$",external_gene_name) & !grepl("^$",wikigene_name) ~ wikigene_name,
#     grepl("^$",external_gene_name) & grepl("^$",wikigene_name) & ensembl_gene_id %in% genesHumanHomologsHQ$ensembl_gene_id ~ genesHumanHomologsHQ[match(ensembl_gene_id,genesHumanHomologsHQ$ensembl_gene_id),"hsapiens_homolog_associated_gene_name"],
#     TRUE ~ ensembl_gene_id
#   )) %>%
#   mutate(external_gene_name = case_when(
#     grepl("^$",external_gene_name) ~ ensembl_gene_id,
#     TRUE ~ external_gene_name)) %>%
#   arrange(ensembl_gene_id)
# genesMetadata$uniq_name <- make.unique(toupper(genesMetadata$external_gene_name))
# genesMetadata <- genesMetadata %>%
#     dplyr::select(uniq_name,external_gene_name,wikigene_name,ensembl_gene_id,everything())

8 Find Doublets

Several rounds of doublet detection have been applied to remove real doublets and those coming from high levels of background contamination.

Given the random nature of the classification algorithm we provide the list of doublets classified during the analysis published in the paper in order to reproduce clustering and UMAP dimensionality reduction.

doublets <- read_delim("ConsensusDoubletFinderResults.txt.gz",delim = "\t")
## Rows: 70726 Columns: 2
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## Delimiter: "\t"
## chr (2): cellId, ConsensusDoublets
## i Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## i Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

9 QC and Filter Single Cell Experiment

# Build SingleCellExperiment Object
## Cells Metadata
cellsMetadata <- data.frame(
  cellId = colnames(rawCounts),
  Sample = sub(".+\\.","",colnames(rawCounts))) %>%
  left_join(sampleMetada,by="Sample") %>%
  left_join(doublets, by = c("cellId")) %>%

rownames(cellsMetadata) <- cellsMetadata$cellId

sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays=list(counts=rawCounts),
                            colData = cellsMetadata,

## Normalize and QC
sce <- logNormCounts(sce)

sce <- addPerCellQC(
  ,subsets = c(list(
    MT = MTGenes$ensembl_gene_id
    ,RB = RBGenes$ensembl_gene_id
    ,HBB = HBBGenes$ensembl_gene_id
    ,IG = IGGenes$ensembl_gene_id
    ,TR = TRGenes$ensembl_gene_id
  , = c(50,500)

sce <- addPerFeatureQC(

cf <- %>%
  group_by(Sample) %>%
  reframe(Cell_Fraction = total/median(total),
          cellId = cellId) %>%

colData(sce)$Cell_Fraction <- cf$Cell_Fraction[match(colnames(sce),cf$cellId)]
# Annotate Filter Cells
colData(sce) <- DataFrame( %>%
    mutate(filter_by_total_counts = sum > 1000 & sum < 30000) %>%
    mutate(filter_by_expr_features = detected > 600) %>%
    mutate(filter_by_MT_features = subsets_MT_percent < 15) %>%
    mutate(filter_by_Top50 = percent.top_50 < 50) %>%
    mutate(filter_by_CF = Cell_Fraction > 0.2) %>%
    mutate(filter_by_HBB_features = subsets_HBB_percent < 0.1) %>%
    mutate(ManualFilter = filter_by_total_counts &
             filter_by_expr_features &
             filter_by_MT_features &
             filter_by_HBB_features &
             filter_by_CF &

10 Cluster cells

counts <- rawCounts[rowData(sce)$isExpressed,

rownames(counts) <- genesMetadata[match(rownames(counts),genesMetadata$ensembl_gene_id),"uniq_name"]$uniq_name

seuratSCAll <- CreateSeuratObject(
  counts = counts,
  assay = "RNA",
  project = "Pig Aorta",
  names.delim = "\\.",
  names.field = 2,
  min.cells = 0,
  min.features = 0, = data.frame(colData(sce))[which(sce$ManualFilter),]

10.1 Remove doublets

seuratSC <- subset(seuratSCAll,ConsensusDoublets == "singlet")
## An object of class Seurat 
## 24226 features across 26807 samples within 1 assay 
## Active assay: RNA (24226 features, 0 variable features)

10.2 Cluster and Dimensionality reduction

nvargenes <- 2000
pcas <- seq(15)
ress <- 0.2
clustering <- paste0("RNA_snn_res.",ress)

if (file.exists("SeuratSCAnalysisNoDoubletsCells.rds")) {
  seuratSC <- readRDS("SeuratSCAnalysisNoDoubletsCells.rds")
} else {
  ## Normalize, Scale and Cluster
  seuratSC <- seuratSC %>%
      normalization.method = "LogNormalize",
      scale.factor = 10000,
      verbose = F) %>%
      selection.method = "vst",
      nfeatures = nvargenes,
      verbose = F
    ) %>%
      verbose = F
    ) %>%
      verbose = F
    ) %>%
      dims = pcas,
      verbose = F
    ) %>%
      resolution = ress,
      verbose = F
    ) %>%
      dims = pcas,
      verbose = F
  levels([, clustering] ) <- paste0("C",levels([, clustering]))
  saveRDS(seuratSC,file = "SeuratSCAnalysisNoDoubletsCells.rds")
## Warning: The default method for RunUMAP has changed from calling Python UMAP via reticulate to the R-native UWOT using the cosine metric
## To use Python UMAP via reticulate, set umap.method to 'umap-learn' and metric to 'correlation'
## This message will be shown once per session

10.3 Find Markers of clusters

## Get Cluster Markers
if (file.exists("ClusterMarkersAllCells.xlsx")) {

  cluster.markers <- read.xlsx("ClusterMarkersAllCells.xlsx")

} else {

  cluster.markers <- seuratSC %>%
      assay = "RNA"
      , slot = "data"
      , min.pct = 0.3
      , return.thresh = 0.01
      , test.use = "MAST"
      , only.pos = T
      , verbose = F

  cluster.markers %>%
    write.xlsx(file = "ClusterMarkersAllCells.xlsx")

## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!

10.4 Supercluster Markers Expression plots

myGenes <- c("CDH5","PECAM1","CD68","LYZ","CD3E","ACTA2","LUM")
seuratSC %>%
  FeaturePlot(features = myGenes)

10.5 Annotate cell types for each cluster

Manual annotation based on cluster markers. Refer to the paper for information.

types <-
    "SMCs/modulated SMCs",
    "SMCs/modulated SMCs",
    'Endothelial cells',
    'Endothelial cells',
    "SMCs/modulated SMCs"
Idents(seuratSC) <- clustering
names(types) <- levels(Idents(seuratSC))
seuratSC <- RenameIdents(seuratSC, types)
types <- Idents(seuratSC)
seuratSC$superclusters <- types
seuratSC %>%
  DimPlot(reduction = "umap",
 = "superclusters",
          cols = myColors[levels(factor(seuratSC$superclusters))])

seuratSC %>%
  DimPlot(reduction = "umap",
 = "Condition",
          cols = myColors[levels(factor(seuratSC$Condition))])

10.6 Find Differeantialy Expressed Genes between HFHC and MTPi conditions for each cell type.

Idents(seuratSC) <- "superclusters"
outputFile <- "AortaMTPiVsHFHC.xlsx"

if (file.exists(outputFile)) {
  sheet_names = getSheetNames(outputFile)
  deGenesList = lapply(
      read.xlsx(file, sheet=x)
    file = outputFile)
  names(deGenesList) <- sheet_names

} else {
  deGenesList <- lapply(
    function (x,sc) {
      FindMarkers(subset(sc,idents = x),
                  ident.1 = "LF/MTPi",
                  ident.2 = "HFHC",
         = "Condition",
                  assay = "RNA",
                  slot = "data",
                  test.use = "MAST",
                  min.pct = 0.05,
                  logfc.threshold = 0,
                  base = 2,
                  verbose = F
      ) %>%
        mutate(gene = rownames(.)) %>%
    sc = seuratSC)
  names(deGenesList) <- levels(Idents(seuratSC))
             file = outputFile)
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!
## Done!

## Combining coefficients and standard errors

## Calculating log-fold changes

## Calculating likelihood ratio tests

## Refitting on reduced model...

## Done!

10.6.1 Gene Expression Changes on core glycolysis genes

myGenes <- c("SLC2A3","HK1","HK2","HK3","GPI","PFKL","ALDOA","GAPDH","TPI1","PGK1","PGAM1","ENO1","PKM","LDHA")
selectedDEGenes <- lapply(
  function (x, sc, deList, selgenes) {
      subset(sc,idents = x),
      ident.1 = "LF/MTPi",
      ident.2 = "HFHC", = "Condition",
      assay = "RNA",
      slot = "data",
      features = selgenes) %>% %>%
      mutate(gene = rownames(.)) %>%
      dplyr::rename(log2FC = "avg_log2FC") %>%
      dplyr::select(gene,everything()) %>%
      left_join(deList[[x]], by = c("gene")) %>%
        gene = factor(gene,
                      levels = rev(selgenes))
        ) %>%
        Padj = factor(case_when(
 ~ "< 5% of cells",
          p_val_adj < 0.05 ~ "Padj < 0.05",
          p_val_adj >= 0.05 ~ "Padj >= 0.05"),levels = c("< 5% of cells", "Padj < 0.05", "Padj >= 0.05")))
  sc = seuratSC,
  deList = deGenesList,
  selgenes = myGenes)
names(selectedDEGenes) <- names(deGenesList)
plotList <- lapply(
  function (x,degenes) {
    degenes[[x]] %>%
      ggplot(aes(x=log2FC, y=gene,color=Padj)) +
        aes(x=0, xend=log2FC,
            y=gene, yend=gene),
      ) +
      geom_point(size=4) +
        values = c("< 5% of cells"="lightgrey",
                   "Padj < 0.05"="red",
                   "Padj >= 0.05"="black"),
         drop = FALSE
      ) +
      xlim(c(-0.8,0.8)) +
      xlab("Avg log2-fold change (LF/MTPi vs HFHC)") +
      ylab("") +
      ggtitle(x) +
      theme_light() +
        legend.position = "none",
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank()
  degenes = selectedDEGenes
names(plotList) <- names(selectedDEGenes)
  nrow = 2, ncol = 2,
  guides = "collect"
) &
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

10.7 DotPlot on gene targets of biological tracers

Dot plot of marker genes that have already been described as targets for biological tracers used in different molecular imaging probes. Data is represented across supercluster between HFD and MTPi conditions.

myGenes <- c("FOLR2","ITGB3","ITGAV","CXCR4","VCAM1","TSPO","SSTR2","SSTR1","GAPDH","LDHA","ALDOA")
Idents(seuratSC) <- factor(
  paste(seuratSC$superclusters,seuratSC$Condition,sep = "_"),
  levels =

seuratSC %>%
    features = rev(myGenes)) +
  scale_color_gradientn(colors = rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5,"RdBu")),name="Log(NormCounts)") +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,hjust = 1))
## Scale for colour is already present.
## Adding another scale for colour, which will replace the existing scale.

11 Session Info

## R version 4.1.1 (2021-08-10)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 22631)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252 
## [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252   
## [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
## [4] LC_NUMERIC=C                           
## [5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252    
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] RColorBrewer_1.1-3          openxlsx_4.2.5.2           
##  [3] biomaRt_2.50.3              scater_1.22.0              
##  [5] scuttle_1.4.0               SingleCellExperiment_1.16.0
##  [7] SummarizedExperiment_1.24.0 Biobase_2.54.0             
##  [9] GenomicRanges_1.46.1        GenomeInfoDb_1.30.1        
## [11] IRanges_2.28.0              S4Vectors_0.32.4           
## [13] BiocGenerics_0.40.0         MatrixGenerics_1.6.0       
## [15] matrixStats_0.61.0          SeuratObject_4.0.2         
## [17] Seurat_4.0.5                lubridate_1.9.2            
## [19] forcats_1.0.0               stringr_1.5.1              
## [21] dplyr_1.1.2                 purrr_1.0.1                
## [23] readr_2.1.4                 tidyr_1.3.0                
## [25] tibble_3.2.1                ggplot2_3.4.4              
## [27] tidyverse_2.0.0             rstudioapi_0.15.0          
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##   [1] utf8_1.2.2                reticulate_1.28          
##   [3] tidyselect_1.2.0          RSQLite_2.3.1            
##   [5] AnnotationDbi_1.56.2      htmlwidgets_1.5.4        
##   [7] grid_4.1.1                BiocParallel_1.28.3      
##   [9] Rtsne_0.15                munsell_0.5.0            
##  [11] ScaledMatrix_1.2.0        codetools_0.2-19         
##  [13] ica_1.0-3                 future_1.33.1            
##  [15] miniUI_0.1.1.1            withr_3.0.0              
##  [17] colorspace_2.0-2          filelock_1.0.2           
##  [19] highr_0.10                knitr_1.45               
##  [21] ROCR_1.0-11               tensor_1.5               
##  [23] listenv_0.9.1             labeling_0.4.3           
##  [25] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.7    polyclip_1.10-0          
##  [27] farver_2.1.1              bit64_4.0.5              
##  [29] parallelly_1.36.0         vctrs_0.6.1              
##  [31] generics_0.1.3            xfun_0.39                
##  [33] timechange_0.2.0          BiocFileCache_2.2.1      
##  [35] R6_2.5.1                  ggbeeswarm_0.7.2         
##  [37] rsvd_1.0.5                bitops_1.0-7             
##  [39] spatstat.utils_2.2-0      cachem_1.0.7             
##  [41] DelayedArray_0.20.0       assertthat_0.2.1         
##  [43] vroom_1.6.1               promises_1.2.0.1         
##  [45] scales_1.2.1              beeswarm_0.4.0           
##  [47] gtable_0.3.4              beachmat_2.10.0          
##  [49] globals_0.16.2            goftest_1.2-3            
##  [51] rlang_1.1.0               splines_4.1.1            
##  [53] lazyeval_0.2.2            spatstat.geom_2.3-0      
##  [55] yaml_2.3.7                reshape2_1.4.4           
##  [57] abind_1.4-5               httpuv_1.6.3             
##  [59] tools_4.1.1               ellipsis_0.3.2           
##  [61] spatstat.core_2.3-0       ggridges_0.5.6           
##  [63] Rcpp_1.0.7                plyr_1.8.6               
##  [65] sparseMatrixStats_1.6.0   progress_1.2.3           
##  [67] zlibbioc_1.40.0           RCurl_1.98-1.12          
##  [69] prettyunits_1.2.0         rpart_4.1.19             
##  [71] deldir_1.0-6              pbapply_1.7-2            
##  [73] viridis_0.6.5             cowplot_1.1.3            
##  [75] zoo_1.8-9                 ggrepel_0.9.1            
##  [77] cluster_2.1.4             magrittr_2.0.3           
##  [79] RSpectra_0.16-1           data.table_1.14.2        
##  [81] scattermore_0.7           lmtest_0.9-38            
##  [83] RANN_2.6.1                fitdistrplus_1.1-11      
##  [85] hms_1.1.3                 patchwork_1.1.1          
##  [87] mime_0.12                 evaluate_0.23            
##  [89] xtable_1.8-4              XML_3.99-0.14            
##  [91] gridExtra_2.3             compiler_4.1.1           
##  [93] KernSmooth_2.23-20        crayon_1.5.2             
##  [95] htmltools_0.5.2           mgcv_1.8-42              
##  [97] later_1.3.0               tzdb_0.3.0               
##  [99] DBI_1.2.1                 dbplyr_2.1.1             
## [101] MASS_7.3-58.3             rappdirs_0.3.3           
## [103] MAST_1.20.0               Matrix_1.3-4             
## [105] cli_3.6.1                 parallel_4.1.1           
## [107] igraph_1.4.2              pkgconfig_2.0.3          
## [109] plotly_4.10.4             spatstat.sparse_2.0-0    
## [111] xml2_1.3.3                vipor_0.4.7              
## [113] XVector_0.34.0            digest_0.6.28            
## [115] sctransform_0.3.2         RcppAnnoy_0.0.19         
## [117] spatstat.data_2.1-0       Biostrings_2.62.0        
## [119] rmarkdown_2.25            leiden_0.4.3.1           
## [121] uwot_0.1.10               DelayedMatrixStats_1.16.0
## [123] curl_5.0.0                shiny_1.7.1              
## [125] lifecycle_1.0.4           nlme_3.1-162             
## [127] jsonlite_1.8.0            BiocNeighbors_1.12.0     
## [129] viridisLite_0.4.2         fansi_1.0.3              
## [131] pillar_1.9.0              lattice_0.21-8           
## [133] KEGGREST_1.34.0           fastmap_1.1.0            
## [135] httr_1.4.7                survival_3.5-5           
## [137] glue_1.6.2                zip_2.3.0                
## [139] png_0.1-7                 bit_4.0.5                
## [141] stringi_1.7.6             blob_1.2.4               
## [143] BiocSingular_1.10.0       memoise_2.0.1            
## [145] irlba_2.3.3               future.apply_1.11.1


Single Cell Analysis of aortas from PCSK9-D374Y, HFD vs MTPi treated pigs






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