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Release Notes v1.4.0

George Williamson edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

Signer v1.4.0

Signing Messages ✍️

This release implements a new feature; leveraging some new methods in the casper-js-sdk (^2.5.1) you can now use your keys to sign over arbitrary string messages with the Signer. The messages will take the form:

Casper Message:
Hello World!

(The 'Casper Message:' header is prefixed automatically by the SDK's methods).

Sign Message Screen

Use Case

This feature could be prove useful in a scenario where 'Alice' provides 'Bob' with a public key.'Bob' wants to verify that 'Alice' has the corresponding secret key without 'Alice' actually sending him it. 'Bob' can send the Signer a request like this:

import { Signer, verifyMessageSignature, CLPublicKey } from 'casper-js-sdk';


const bobMessage = "Please sign this message, from Bob";

const signature = await Signer.signMessage(bobMessage, alicePublicKeyHex);

// Once the request for signature is approved in the Signer UI, 'Bob' can then check the signature:

const verified = verifyMessageSignature(CLPublicKey.fromHex(alicePublicKeyHex), bobMessage, signature);

if (verified) {
    // handle successful verification
} else {
    // handle failed verification

Configurable Timeouts ⏳

We noted a lot of people asking to extend the idle timeout on the Signer. We have now implemented a configurable timeout that will default to 2 minutes for new vaults (it will remain at 1 minute for existing vaults unless you choose to change it). The options are 1, 2, 5 and 10 minutes. You can set the timeout from the menu in the top-right, screenshots below:

New Menu Item Timeout Page
new menu timeout menu

Integration with 🎉

CasperStats is developed by CryptoViet Labs and provides users with lots of helpful features and tools for interacting with the blockchain.

Minor Changes 🔍

The 'New Vault' screen has been tweaked such that the two password fields are now aligned properly and are of equal length. This is to make it easier to compare passwords when creating a new one.

Known Issues 🔴

Listed below are the issues we are currently tracking for the Signer. Please check out the GitHub issues page for the Signer repo to see more details. We are continuously looking to improve and community feedback in the form of Bug Reports and Feature Requests are always welcome to aid with this.

Description GitHub Issue
The Signer goes blank (instead of showing the Unlock screen) after the idle-timeout from some pages. #112
Longer account names overlap the icons on the Account Management page. #88
Some pages require mouse clicks where they used to be submittable by typing Return / Enter #116
The same ed25519 key can be uploaded twice. #79
In some instances, multiple Signer windows will be open i.e. if you click Import twice. #76
The Signer errors when trying to sign deploys on whilst the Keplr extension is installed and active. #132