This repo contains scripts and source to build multiple docker images with Alpine Linux. The main application container has a LAMP stack of:
- Apache
- Python
Build status on CircleCI (master branch):
Download this repo so you can use docker-compose files:
git clone
cd tacstack
You first need to get the container images from (the repo in the cloud where we store our build images):
docker-compose -f docker-compose-common.yml pull
Now start up the containers for a production system. This basically means that the ports will be pre-selected:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d
Now follow the steps detailed in MAP Setup README
Pretty much the same as above except the docker-compose up command will be different:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-testenv.yml -p mytestenv up -d
Creating mytestenv_mysqldatavoltestenv_1...
Creating mytestenv_ftpdatavoltestenv_1...
Creating mytestenv_mapapptestenv_1...
Creating mytestenv_ftpapptestenv_1...
The -p
is what will allow you to have your own set
of containers, independent from any other.
docker-compose will provide a fully functioning system of containers from scratch. It will pull all of the required images and start up the containers. It will also take care of linking the data and app containers and will provide ports for you to use. Use docker-compose to create either a test environment or a production environment.
The -d
in the docker-compose up
command will start the
containers/services in the background.
The ports for the test environment containers will be randomly selected. To find them, run:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-testenv.yml ps
docker-compose -f docker-compose-testenv.yml -p mytestenv port mapapptestenv 22
There are four services in this system that docker-compose will bring up:
For more information on docker-compose:
Open a pull request on Github. This triggers a build in CircleCI. Dockerfiles will be built and completed docker images will be pushed to
If you want the latest build of master branch:
docker pull
If you want a specific version:
# $hash refers to the git commit hash
docker pull${hash:0:7}
If you want the version from your pull request:
# $handle is your github handle
# $number refers to the pull request
docker pull${handle}_pull_${number}
To build the main application container, clone this git repo, then run:
Follow these instructions if you are not using docker-compose. For a live TAC application, run:
docker run -d --name FTPData
docker run -d jumanjiman/dropbox:latest
docker run -d --name MySQLData
docker run -d -p 18922:22 -p 80:80 -p 18906:3306 -p 18900:18900 -p 18901:18901 --name MAPApp --volumes-from MySQLData --volumes-from FTPData
For an individual test environment, run:
CID=$(docker run -d -P
# Find the port on which sshd is running.
docker port $CID 22
# Find the port on which apache is running.
docker port $CID 80
# Commands for docker-compose:
# List active and exited containers.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-testenv.yml -p mytestenv ps
docker-compose ps
# Follow logs from a container.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-testenv.yml -p mytestenv logs
docker-compose logs <service-name>
# Commands for docker:
# List active containers.
docker ps
# List all containers.
docker ps -a
# Follow logs from a container.
docker logs -f <container-id>
# docker and docker-compose have similar commands. To view them:
docker-compose --help
# Or
docker help commands
# This example assumes the $CID variable from the "docker run" commands above.
PID=$(docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} $CID)
sudo nsenter --target $PID --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid
# Run various commands, then
# Press CTRL-D to exit.
Each pull request triggers a build on CircleCI. PRs cannot be merged if CI fails.
Please minimize diff churn to enhance git history commands.
Arrays should usually be multi-line with trailing commas.
Use 2-space soft tabs and trim trailing whitespace. provides editor plugins to handle this for you automatically based on the.editorconfig
in this repo.
Use git rebase upstream/master
to update your branch.
The primary reason for this is to maintain a clean, linear history
via "fast-forward" merges to master.
A clean, linear history in master makes it easier
to troubleshoot regressions and follow the timeline.
Please provide good commit messages, such as
To submit a patch, fork the repo and work within a topic branch of your fork.
Bootstrap your dev environment
git remote add upstream
Set up a remote tracking branch
git checkout -b <branch_name> # Initial push with `-u` option sets remote tracking branch. git push -u origin <branch_name>
Ensure your branch is up-to-date:
git fetch --prune upstream git rebase upstream/master git push -f
Submit a Pull Request
- Participate in code review
- Participate in code comments
See LICENSE in this repo.