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JustinVenus edited this page Jan 28, 2012 · 2 revisions

The Models Subsystem

DroneD's object model is perhaps the most important component of the entire system. Without a doubt, it is absolutely necessary to get comfortable with how models are defined and how they are used. It all starts with the :mod:`droned.entity` module. This module defines two important classes: ParameterizedSingleton and Entity. First we'll cover ParameterizedSingleton.

ParameterizedSingleton is not a regular class, it is a metaclass. A metaclass is simply something that can be used to create classes, the same way that a class is used to create objects. This distinction is a bit subtle because in Python, classes are first-class objects. Metaclasses are often very confusing at first so I will try to ease the pain a little bit. For a more thorough explanation of Python's implementation of metaclasses you should read

A Subtle Problem

Consider the following example class we'll try to use to model market stocks:

class Stock(object):
  price = None

  def __init__(self, tickerSymbol):
    self.tickerSymbol = tickerSymbol

  def updatePrice(self, price):
    self.price = price

Simple enough, but it turns out there is a mis-match between the way our Stock class models stocks and how we actually think of stocks in the real world. This can be made clear by an example:

x = Stock("OWW")
y = Stock("OWW")

x.tickerSymbol == y.tickerSymbol # True
x is y # False
x.price == y.price # False

If you look at that code and think "There's nothing wrong there" then you're thinking too much like a programmer. Look at what the code means as a model of the real world. It basically is saying there are two different OWW stocks with different prices. But we know that this doesn't make sense because there can only be one OWW stock and it can only have one price at any given point in time. The problem is that the notion of an object's identity is different in the real world than it is in the world of our program. At this point you are probably asking, "What the hell is he getting at?" to which I must reply, "You'll see.".

The most common ways of dealing with this problem are to either:

  • pass references to the original OWW Stock object to any parts of your program that needs it
  • to create some sort of global data structure that allows different parts of the program to lookup the same object given the same information (ie. a dict to lookup Stock objects by their ticker symbol).

This works fine but it is far from a general solution and one of the first things I realized when I started writing droned was that I had a lot of different types of objects that needed this same sort of mechanism. So I created ParameterizedSingleton.

Parameterized Singletons

A singleton is an object that there can inherently be only one of. This is useful for things like connection pools or configuration managers. When you have a singleton class, every time you instantiate it you get back the same instance. In our case however, what we want is to get the same instance whenever we instantiate our class with the same parameters. Basically, this is what we want:

Stock("OWW") is Stock("OWW") # We want this to be True

If you're still wondering why we want this behavior, here's a quick justification.

  1. It's very convenient to not have to look up objects or pass them around
  2. It eliminates a lot of boiler-plate code
  3. This mere convenience actually allows you to think of your objects as nouns and expressions about them become more english-like.

The last point is my personal favorite, and if you spend any amount of time reading the droned code you will begin to see why. So that is why we want this functionality, using ParameterizedSingleton as a metaclass is how we get it. The code is fairly simple, but probably confusing if you aren't familiar with how Python creates objects. To learn more read the documented I linked to before about metaclasses.

The Entity Class

Entity is the base class of all model classes used in DroneD. Since Entity uses ParameterizedSingleton as its metaclass, all model classes inhert the ParameterizedSingleton functionality. This means that whenever you write a model class you must pick your constructor arguments carefully. The constructor arguments must be all of the information that uniquely identifies instances of your class. So for example if you were writing a Person class, a good constructor argument would be something like their social security number (because it uniquely identifies a person). If you wanted to make the assumption that all people have unique names, then the constructor args could be (firstName, lastName). But you should never allow other information that is not strictly necessary to identify the object in the constructor args. So for example you would not allow age to be a constructor argument. In our Stock example above, tickerSymbol is a good constructor argument, whereas price would not be.

That said, the purpose of the Entity class is to give all model objects some common behaviors. In particular, Entity provides a serialization interface that allows models to be serialized by the Journal service.

Model Conventions

As you read through model code, you'll notice I make extensive use of property descriptors. To the uninitiated these are basically methods that appear to be plain old attributes and they are invoked when you look them up as attributes. Technically this only saves you from typing a pair of parenthesis (though they have fancier uses than this) but this reason alone turns out to be quite nice as your code looks much more readable and english-like.

One important descriptor that is inherited by all classes that use ParameterizedSingleton is the objects descriptor. For example, the following code would print the hostname of every Server that droned knows of:

from droned.models.server import Server
for server in Server.objects:
  print server.hostname

You'll see that one used a lot. Another common use for properties is to dynamically calculate related objects. For example, every App is supposed to run on a certain set of servers, so each App object maintains a shouldRunOn attribute that is a set of Server objects. Given this we can also determine what apps should run on a given Server without having to maintain a separate data structure. The Server class simply has a apps property that enumerates App.objects and picks out the ones that have the given server in their shouldRunOn set. Here's a snippet to clarify:

class Server(Entity):
  appinstances = property( lambda self: (i for i in AppInstance.objects if i.server is self) )
  apps = property( lambda self: (a for a in App.objects if self in a.shouldRunOn) )

Here we see two property descriptors, appinstances which dynamically enumerates all of the AppInstance objects that exist on a given Server as well as apps which enumerates all of the App objects that are supposed to run on the server. You might think that all that dynamic calculation would be expensive but it turns out by using generator expressions that the cost is minimized and it turns out to be rather inexpensive. Not to mention that you do not have to keep a bunch of different data structures in sync, which would require a lot more code and be subject to all sorts of potential issues. It is also very nice to be able to say things like (i for i in AppInstance.objects if in myServer.apps) rather than something like (i for i in AppInstance.getObjects() if in myServer.getApps()). Most of this stuff really is purely aesthetic, but I firmly believe that aesthetic quality is a good reflection of substantive quality, at least when it comes to code.