An experiment to see what can be achieved with the Figma REST API.
All commands require an API file to be provided on stdin
cargo run -- design-tokens < example-figma-files/design-tokens-for-figma.json
# or
curl -sH "X-Figma-Token: ${FIGMA_TOKEN}" | cargo run -- design-tokens
I've included Figma files for testing and demonstrations. All the files are fetched from the API and the only change is pretty formatting the JSON. Where required by Figma I have made my own copy. by Lukas Oppermann and used with permission. by Joe Horton and licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Generate HTML from Figma nodes or components.
cargo run --release -- to-html 213:6 < example-figma-files/gov-uk-design-system.json > example-figma-files/gov-uk-design-system-components/button.html
Schema definitions are exported for various languages using
1Password's typeshare. PRs are welcome
to make better use of typeshare
's potential.
TypeScript has an NPM package and support for Deno.
Generate TypeScript props for components.
cargo run --release -- typescript-props < example-figma-files/gov-uk-design-system.json > gov-uk-design-system-props.ts
A design-token
subcommand inspired by the
design-tokens Figma plugin.
cargo run --release -- design-tokens < example-figma-files/design-tokens-for-figma.json
Due to limitations with the Figma API, I do not recommend this subcommand. Some basic information cannot be obtained through the API such as colour token values or font information. I do recommend the plugin.