This field allows you to work with Google Places API to autocomplete on user input and get the full real address with all the metadata (like latitude and longitude).
You can install the package in to a Laravel app that uses Nova via composer:
composer require emilianotisato/nova-google-autocomplete-field
Now publish config and localization files:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="EmilianoTisato\GoogleAutocomplete\FieldServiceProvider"
Create an app and enable Places API and create credentials to get your API key
Add the below to your .env
Add the below to /resources/views/vendor/nova/layout.blade.php (this you can copy from the nova repository to override the original)
- To get results in specific language add
to the below script url
<script src="{{config('google-autocomplete.api_key')}}&libraries=places"></script>
Add the use declaration to your resource and use the fields:
use EmilianoTisato\GoogleAutocomplete\GoogleAutocomplete;
// ....
//You can add a country or countries to autocomplete or leave empty for all.
// Specify a single country
// Specify multiple countries [array]
You can access other parameter like latitude, longitude, street_number, route, locality, administrative_area_level_1, country, postal_code
and whatever is available by the Places API with the available AddressMetadata field:
use EmilianoTisato\GoogleAutocomplete\AddressMetadata;
use EmilianoTisato\GoogleAutocomplete\GoogleAutocomplete;
// Now this address field will search and store the address as a string, but also made available the values in the withValues array
GoogleAutocomplete::make('Address')->withValues(['latitude', 'longitude']),
// And you can store the values by autocomplete like this
// You can disable the field so the user can't edit the metadata
// Or you can make the field invisible in the form but collect the data anyways
You can change the type of places that are returned by the autocomplete using the placeType() method. You can use any of the values listed at
use EmilianoTisato\GoogleAutocomplete\AddressMetadata;
use EmilianoTisato\GoogleAutocomplete\GoogleAutocomplete;
// This autocomplete field will return results that match a business name instead of address.
// All the same address data is still stored.
If you want this package in your language, just create a json lang file in your resources/lang/vendor/google-autocomplete
folder. Example