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Repository files navigation Chain JS library

Warning Chain and this library is currently in the alpha development phase and subjects to changes. Before proceeding, please be aware of the following:

  • This library is not production-ready, do not use in production systems.

  • Do not transfer any ERC20 tokens to addresses generated by this sample code as it can cause loss of funds.

  • is not liable for any potential damage, loss of data/files arising from the use of the library.

1. Quick Guide

1.0. Installing the library ⬇️

npm install @crypto-org-chain/chain-jslib

1.1. Working with private keys and key pairs 🔐

// Imports
const sdk = require("@crypto-org-chain/chain-jslib");
const HDKey = sdk.HDKey;
const Secp256k1KeyPair = sdk.Secp256k1KeyPair;
const Bytes = sdk.utils.Bytes;

// Initializing the library configurations with TestNet config
const cro = sdk.CroSDK({ network: sdk.CroNetwork.Testnet });

// Generating a random mnemonic phrase
let randomPhrase = HDKey.generateMnemonic(12); // This returns a 12 words mnemonic phrase

// Import an HDKey from a previous mnemonic phrase
const importedHDKey = HDKey.fromMnemonic(
  "curtain maid fetch push pilot frozen speak motion island pigeon habit suffer gap purse royal hollow among orange pluck mutual eager cement void panther"

// Derive a private key from an HDKey at the specified path
const privateKey = importedHDKey.derivePrivKey("m/44'/1'/0'/0/0");

// Getting a keyPair from a private key
const keyPair = Secp256k1KeyPair.fromPrivKey(privateKey);

1.2. Generating an address 🔖

// Initializing the library configurations with TestNet config
const cro = sdk.CroSDK({ network: sdk.CroNetwork.Testnet });

// Import private key from hex key value
let privKey = Bytes.fromHexString(
// Get keyPair from the imported private key
const importedKeyPair = Secp256k1KeyPair.fromPrivKey(privKey);

// Generate address from the imported key pair
let address = new cro.Address(importedKeyPair).account();
console.log(address); // tcro1sxe3v6gka3u8j7d2xhl8rmfyjnmggqlh6e82hq

1.3. Build and Sign a transfer transaction ✅

// Imports

const sdk = require("@crypto-org-chain/chain-jslib");
const HDKey = sdk.HDKey;
const Secp256k1KeyPair = sdk.Secp256k1KeyPair;
const Units = sdk.Units;
const Big = sdk.utils.Big;

// Initialize the library configurations with TestNet configs
const cro = sdk.CroSDK({ network: sdk.CroNetwork.Testnet });

const importedHDKey = HDKey.fromMnemonic(
  "curtain maid fetch push pilot frozen speak motion island pigeon habit suffer gap purse royal hollow among orange pluck mutual eager cement void panther"

// Derive a private key from an HDKey at the specified path
const privateKey = importedHDKey.derivePrivKey("m/44'/1'/0'/0/0");

// Getting a keyPair from a private key
const keyPair = Secp256k1KeyPair.fromPrivKey(privateKey);

// Init Raw transaction
const rawTx = new cro.RawTransaction();

const feeAmount = new cro.Coin("6500", Units.BASE);

// Custom properties set
rawTx.setMemo("Hello Test Memo");

const msgSend = new{
  fromAddress: "tcro165tzcrh2yl83g8qeqxueg2g5gzgu57y3fe3kc3",
  toAddress: "tcro165tzcrh2yl83g8qeqxueg2g5gzgu57y3fe3kc3",
  amount: new cro.Coin("1210", Units.BASE),

const signableTx = rawTx
    publicKey: keyPair.getPubKey(),
    accountNumber: new Big(41),
    accountSequence: new Big(13),

const signedTx = signableTx
  .setSignature(0, keyPair.sign(signableTx.toSignDoc(0)))

// 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

// Note that the result of signedTx.getHexEncoded() can be directly broadcasted to the network as a raw tx

1.4. Sending transactions 📨

The SDK uses cosmjs stargate client to send transactions. For more information, check

// Imports
const sdk = require("@crypto-org-chain/chain-jslib");
const cro = sdk.CroSDK({ network: sdk.CroNetwork.Testnet });
const client = await cro.CroClient.connect();
await client.broadcastTx(signedTx.encode().toUint8Array());

1.5. Query the chain ❓

The SDK uses cosmjs queryclient to query the blockchain. For more information, check

// Imports
const sdk = require("@crypto-org-chain/chain-jslib");
const cro = sdk.CroSDK({ network: sdk.CroNetwork.Testnet });
const client = await cro.CroClient.connect();
const queryResult = await client.query().<module>.<operation>
// example client.query().bank.allBalances(<address>)

1.6. Transaction Decoding/Encoding support

Our SDK supports transaction decoding from hex-encoded strings.

import { TxDecoder } from './txDecoder';
const txDecoder = new TxDecoder();
const decodedTx = txDecoder.fromHex('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');

//Prints decoded in Cosmos compatible JSON format

// Prints
// "{"tx":{"body":{"messages":[{"@type":"/","amount":[{"denom":"basetcro","amount":"1000"}],"from_address":"tcro1fzcrza3j4f2677jfuxulkg33z6852qsqs8hx50","to_address":"tcro1fzcrza3j4f2677jfuxulkg33z6852qsqs8hx50"}],"memo":"amino test","timeout_height":"0","extension_options":[],"non_critical_extension_options":[]},"auth_info":{"signer_infos":[{"public_key":{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AiPJOV1BAT5kcMjSfai3WFBVT6raP+PoEmYMvfRTSoXX"},"mode_info":{"single":{"mode":"SIGN_MODE_DIRECT"}},"sequence":"1"}],"fee":{"amount":[{"denom":"basetcro","amount":"10000"}],"gas_limit":"100000","payer":"","granter":""}},"signatures":["MfTEibmN7LNnlyeQdHE5x3BvVKr9nlo6WtpPcsewF2RvHrXLG99RhgPV2JkUZqE8P2iETc2bFotdTKDLXqUUvA=="]}}"

1.7. Offline Signing

Our SDK supports offline signing for secure external transaction management.


Machine 1 (Online):

  1. Build a RawTransactionV2 instance.
  2. Export Cosmos compatible JSON by using .toCosmosJSON().
  3. Export Signer(s) list using .exportSignerAccounts().

Machine 2 (Offline/Online):

  1. Create a SignableTransactionV2 instance from a stringified cosmos compatible JSON string.
  2. You can import Signer(s) list using two methods:
    1. call importSignerAccounts() on the instance above OR
    2. (Advance usage) call setSignerAccountNumberAtIndex() to manually set AccountNumber at a specified index.
  3. You can choose to export the signed hex encoded transaction and broadcast it manually


// import respective classes
// ....

/* Machine 1: */
const rawTx = new cro.v2.RawTransactionV2();
// .... Do rest operations here
const exportUnsignedCosmosJSON = rawTx.toCosmosJSON();
const exportSignerInfoToJSON = rawTx.exportSignerAccounts();

/* Machine 2: */
const signerAccountsOptional: SignerAccount[] = cro
/* SignerAccount[] has the structure of
    publicKey: <Bytes>;
    accountNumber: new Big(0);
    signMode: SIGN_MODE.DIRECT;

const signableTx = new SignableTransactionV2({
    rawTxJSON: exportUnsignedCosmosJSON,
    network: <CroNetwork>,
    signerAccounts: signerAccountsOptional,

/* `Import SignerAccounts` starts */

// METHOD 1: using importSignerAccounts()
  // SignerAccount 1
    publicKey: Bytes.fromHexString('hexString');
    accountNumber: new Big(0);
    signMode: SIGN_MODE.DIRECT;
  // SignerAccount 2
    publicKey: Bytes.fromUint8Array(<Uint8>);
    accountNumber: new Big(2);
    signMode: SIGN_MODE.DIRECT;

// METHOD 2 (For Advance Users): using setSignerAccountNumberAtIndex()
const signerInfoListINDEX: number = 1;
const newAccountNumber: Big = new Big(1);
signableTx.setSignerAccountNumberAtIndex(signerInfoListINDEX, newAccountNumber);

/* `Import SignerAccounts` ends */

// .... Do rest operations here on SignableTransaction

const signedTx = signableTx.toSigned();

// 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

// Note that the result of signedTx.getHexEncoded() can be directly broadcasted to the network as a raw tx

1.8. Create a message from Cosmos compatible JSON

All Cosmos message types supported on our SDK can be instantiated using the function .fromCosmosMsgJSON() on respective classes. You need to pass a valid Msg JSON string and a network instance. Eg.

const msgSendJson ='{ "@type": "/", "amount": [{ "denom": "basetcro", "amount":   "3478499933290496" }], "from_address": "tcro1x07kkkepfj2hl8etlcuqhej7jj6myqrp48y4hg", "to_address": "tcro184lta2lsyu47vwyp2e8zmtca3k5yq85p6c4vp3" }';
const msgSend =, CroNetwork.Testnet);
// `msgSend` is a valid instance of `MsgSendV2` and can be used for Transaction building

const msgFundCommunityPoolJson = '{"@type":"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgFundCommunityPool","amount":[{ "denom": "basetcro", "amount": "3478499933290496" }],"depositor":"tcro165tzcrh2yl83g8qeqxueg2g5gzgu57y3fe3kc3"}';

const msgFundCommPool = cro.v2.distribution.MsgFundCommunityPoolV2.fromCosmosMsgJSON(msgFundCommunityPoolJson, CroNetwork.Testnet);
// `msgFundCommPool`is a valid instance of `MsgFundCommunityPoolV2` and can be used for Transaction building

1.9. Using the gas estimator for a transaction

You can estimate gas for your transaction before signing and broadcasting it to the network. Eg.

//... initialising

const coin = new cro.Coin('99999999', Units.BASE);

const msgSendV2 = new{
    fromAddress: 'tcro165tzcrh2yl83g8qeqxueg2g5gzgu57y3fe3kc3',
    toAddress: 'tcro184lta2lsyu47vwyp2e8zmtca3k5yq85p6c4vp3',
    amount: [coin],

const rawTxV2 = new cro.v2.RawTransactionV2();

const unsignedCosmosTx = rawTxV2.toCosmosJSON();
const estimatedGas = await cro.CroClient.estimateGasLimit(unsignedCosmosTx);

// set `gas_used` to the rawTx

//... Do rest operations

2. Introducing V2 message types

Our SDK has introduced V2 message types in order to support:

  • Custom denom
  • Multiple amount in several Cosmos Message types
  • Multiple fee amount in SignerInfo

You can use the v2 property on the CroSDK instance like in the example below:

// imports here

const cro = CroSDK({ network: sdk.CroNetwork.Testnet });

// v2 methods below
const coin1 = new cro.Coin('88888888', Units.BASE);
const coin2 = new cro.Coin('99999999', Units.BASE);
const msgSendV2 = new{
    fromAddress: 'tcro165tzcrh2yl83g8qeqxueg2g5gzgu57y3fe3kc3',
    toAddress: 'tcro184lta2lsyu47vwyp2e8zmtca3k5yq85p6c4vp3',
     amount: [coin1, coin2],

2.1 List of new V2 methods

  • New classes for external transaction management:
    • RawTransactionV2
      • .toCosmosJSON() : Get a Cosmos-sdk compatible JSON string
      • .exportSignerAccounts() : Exports a human readable JSON of SignerAccount
      • appendFeeAmount(...) : Add multiple fee amount to SignerInfo list
    • CoinV2 : Supports custom denom support
    • SignableTransactionV2 : Load your Cosmos Tx JSON for transaction management.

Please note new message types may be added under the CroSDK instance.

3. Cosmos Protobuf Definitions

Generate Cosmos Protobuf Definitions in JavaScript

  1. Download Cosmos proto definitions folder

    npm run get-proto
  2. Generate definitions files in JavaScript

    npm run define-proto

Update Supported Modules

  1. To support more Cosmos modules, edit lib/src/cosmos/v1beta1/scripts/ and append the lines

    "$COSMOS_PROTO_DIR/bank/v1beta1/bank.proto" \
    "$COSMOS_PROTO_DIR/bank/v1beta1/tx.proto" \

    In this example it is adding bank module support, replace the paths with the modules and its protbuf files accordingly.

  2. edit lib/src/cosmos/v1beta1/types/typeurls.ts to add the protobuf type URLs to JS definitions mapping

3. API Documentation

The library API documentation can be generated by running

npm run docs:build

The resulting generated documentation will be created in the docs/dist directory

4. License

Apache 2.0


No description, website, or topics provided.



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