This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 28, 2024. It is now read-only.
- New features in the C++ and Java mesh libraries
- LaTeX formula color available in project options and scrollbars added into the view
- New time iterator feature to support two iterators at the same level:
iterate n while (t^{n+1} < maxTime && n+1 < maxIter),
k while (k+1 < maxIterK);
l while (l+1 < maxIterL);
- NabLab console improved with messages during code generation
- LevelDB variable persistence supported in Java
- Options can have no default value
- Options become optional in Json file if they have a default value (mandatory otherwise)
- Mesh becomes an external component initialized with a Json "mesh" block. The nablagen file needs a
meshClassName = "CartesianMesh2D";
nodeCoord = X;
time = t;
timeStep = δt;
iterationMax = maxIterations;
timeMax = stopTime;