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This website is built using Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator.


$ yarn

Local Development

$ yarn start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.


$ yarn build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.

Testing - Cypress

Cypress is used to perform end-to-end testing for all interactions a user will experience when browsing HMDA documentation. It mimicks a user's interaction with the site and allows for rapid, automated system validation of project deployments.

End-to-End Testing

Run tests via cli: yarn run cypress run
Run tests via Cypress UI: yarn run cypress open

Search + Newely Added/Updating Documentation

Search feature is powered by Algolia via the DocSearch program.

Adding new documentation or updating existing documentation

Section explains how to properly update the Algolia crawler to pick up documentation changes.

  1. Navigate to and Login
  2. Head over to the Overview navigation tab, once there click the Restart Crawling button and that will trigger a re-crawl and update the searchable documentation for Algolia

Swizzled Components

The following components have been swizzled and are now manually maintained:

  • Navbar (./src/theme/Navbar)
  • SearchBar (./src/theme/SearchBar)
  • Footer (./src/theme/Footer)
  • DocVersionBanner (./src/theme/DocVersionBanner)

The Navbar and Footer components are from the USWDS v3.0 and are independent from the Docusaurus theme. They can be edited manually and updating docusaurus shouldn't affect these components.

To update links in the Navbar, edit the links.js (./src/theme/Navbar/Content/links.js) file.

To update the styling of the Navbar and Footer:

  1. Run npx gulp watch in a new terminal window
  2. Edit the _uswds-theme-custom-styles.scss (src/theme/Navbar/uswds/scss/_uswds-theme-custom-styles.scss)
  3. Every time you save the scss file it will automatically be compiled

The SearchBar component has a slightly modified CSS (./src/theme/SearchBar/styles.css) file and may need to be "re-swizzled" when upgrading docusaurus to a new version.

Filing Instructions Guide (FIG)

To add a new version/year of the FIG:

  1. Go to /fig_versioned_docs and duplicate the folder of the most recent version (version-2025). Name this new folder with the current year (version-2026)
  2. Go to /fig_versioned_sidebars and duplicate the .json file for the most recent version (version-2025-sidebards.json). Name this new file with the same year used in step 1 (version-2026-sidebars.json)
  3. Go to /fig_versions.json and add the year for the new FIG to the top of the array ("2026").
  4. Update the content in the following:
  • FIG: /fig_versioned_docs/version-2026/overview.mdx
  • Sidebar: /fig_versioned_sidebars/version-2026-sidebars.json

    The items in the version-2026-sidebars.json should correlate to the H2 Headings ( ## ) in the /version-2026/overview.mdx file:

## 2. Changes to the Submission Process for Data Collected in 2026 {#changes}

    "items": [
          "type": "link",
          "href": "/fig/2026/overview#changes",
          "label": "2. Changes for 2026"
  1. Update the Docusaurus scrollspy.js and custom.scss file to support latest FIG release

scrollspy file helps Docusaurus determine the highlighted scrolling custom.scss file styles the left sidebar as the user scrolls

  • Navigate to /static/js/scrollspy.js file and add the new version to the object.
  // Define a mapping of years to their respective classes
  const yearClasses = {
    2021: 'docs-version-2021',
    2022: 'docs-version-2022',
    2023: 'docs-version-2023',
    2024: 'docs-version-2024',
    2025: 'docs-version-2025', // 2025 is considered the latest
  • Navigate to /src/css/custom.scss and add the latest FIG release css class
.docs-version-2025, .docs-version-2024, .docs-version-2023, .docs-version-2022, .docs-version-2021 {
  // Add latest FIG version year
  1. Update navigation menu for linking to the FIG
  • Navigation to /src/theme/Navbar/Content/links.js
    submenu: [
        name: 'Filing Instructions Guide',
        href: `/documentation/fig/2024/overview`, // Link to update
  1. Update the Algolia Search Crawler
  • Log in to and select the 'Editor'
  • FIG versions have the year in the URL:{year}/overview .
  • In the Actions array, update the pathsToMatch of the entry with pageRank: "100" to be the the URL of the FIG version you want ranked the highest. In this example, search results for 2024 will be returned first:
        indexName: "*****-****-cfpb",
        pathsToMatch: [""],
        recordExtractor: ({ $, helpers }) => {
            return helpers.docsearch({
                recordProps: {
                    pageRank: "100",
  • The latest FIG is released a year ahead of annualy filing season. Therefore the search results for the latest FIG need to be lower priority. The pageRank: "5" key helps lower the priority when a user is searching FIG related results. In this example, the search results for the latest released version (2025) will be returned with a low priority.
      indexName: "*****-****-cfpb",
      pathsToMatch: [""],
      recordExtractor: ({ $, helpers }) => {
        return helpers.docsearch({
          recordProps: {
            pageRank: "5",
  • Older FIGs ( 2022 and older ) are listed in the pathsToMatch with pageRank: "1". In this example, search results for the 2022 and 2021 FIG will be returned last:
      indexName: "*****-****-cfpb",
      pathsToMatch: [
      recordExtractor: ({ $, helpers }) => {
        return helpers.docsearch({
          recordProps: {
            pageRank: "1",
  • Go to the Overview page and click the Restart Crawling button to re-index the site. All new search results should be displayed in Algolia Search form on the frontend.

Supplemental Guide for Quarterly Filers

The supplemnental guide for quarterly file file lives under fig_versioned_docs -> version-{year} folder called supplemental-guide-for-quarterly-filers.mdx.

The version log JSON for supplemnental guide for quarterly filers lives under fig_versioned_docs -> version-{year} -> tables -> SupplementalGuide folder.

How to add new year

  1. Copy the file called supplemental-guide-for-quarterly-filers.mdx from the previous year (2025) and add it to the fig_versioned_docs -> version-{year}
  2. The version log file will need to be created and updated, it contains the new changes that years supplemental guide.
  3. Work with the BAs to update the content of the new supplemental guide (changes are minor from year to year).
  4. Add the new supplemental guide link to the new version-{year}-sidebars.json found under fig_versioned_sidebars folder. Updates to the previous years version-{year}-sidebars.json files will need to be updated to contain the new link.
      "type": "category",
      "label": "Supplemental Guides for Quarterly Filers",
      "collapsed": true,
      "items": [
        { // If latest supplemental guide make it type: doc
          "type": "doc",
          "id": "supplemental-guide-for-quarterly-filers",
          "label": "2025 Supplemental Guide for Quarterly Filers"
        { // Linking to older supplemental guides are type: link
          "type": "link",
          "label": "2024 Supplemental Guide for Quarterly Filers",
          "href": "/fig/2024/supplemental-guide-for-quarterly-filers"


Frontend + API docs w/ Docusaurus



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