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A&D Reports Explanatory Notes 2017

David Roell edited this page Oct 2, 2020 · 1 revision


  • When categorizing into groups, percentages are not rounded. If there are no data reported for a particular table, that table will not be reported. The "#" means number of applications or loans, as applicable. Tables that report loan pricing information (Table 3-2, all tables in the 11 series, Table 12-2 and Summary Table B) exclude loans with application dates before January 1, 2004, with the exception that the HOEPA loans column or row reflects activity for the full year. On the National Aggregate Reports, tables that show census information (Table 3-1, all tables in the 4, 5, 7 and 8 series, Table 9, all tables in the 11 series, Tables 12-1 and 12-2, and Summary Table A-4) include loans made in rural areas.

Note 1 - Census Data

All census tract and county definitions and population counts will be based on the 2015 census. The census tract median family income percentage will be based on the 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-year estimates.

Note 2 - Invalid Geographic Identifiers; Invalid MSA/MD Numbers

The "Invalid Geographic Identifiers" row contains data when financial institutions have reported state codes, county codes or census tract numbers that do not conform with 2010 census definitions, or when this information was not reported by the institution. The "Invalid MSA/MD Numbers" row contains data when financial institutions have reported invalid MSA/MD codes as defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

Note 3 - MSA/MD

Includes data on loans in this MSA/MD from institutions with a home or branch office in this MSA/MD, and from certain institutions without such an office.

Note 4 - % Minority Population

In Aggregate Table 1, percentage minority population ("% min pop") means, for a particular census tract, the percentage of persons of minority races and whites of Hispanic or Latino origin in relation to the census tract's total population. Percentages are rounded to the nearest full percentage point.

Note 5 - Borrower/Applicant Race

Applicants are shown only in one race category. For purposes of categorization, the general rule is: the race (including situations where race was reported as not provided or not applicable) of the application is categorized by the race of the first person listed on the application, unless the "joint" race definition applies. ("joint" means one applicant reports a single race designation of "white" and the other applicant reports one or more minority racial designations). If the "joint" definition does not apply, the race of the first person on the application is designated as follows:

  • the reported race when a single racial designation is reported
  • "2 or more minority races" when two or more minority racial designations are reported; or
  • the minority race when two racial designations are reported and one is white

Note 6 - Data Not Available

"Not Available" includes situations where information was reported as not provided or not applicable. For the income classification, zeros and invalid codes are included.

Note 7 - Borrower/Applicant Ethnicity

Applicants are shown only in one ethnicity category. For purposes of categorization, the general rule is: the ethnicity (including situations where ethnicity was reported as not provided or not applicable) of the application is categorized by the ethnicity of the first person listed on the application, unless the "joint" ethnicity definition applies. ("joint" means one applicant reports ethnicity designation as Hispanic or Latino and the other applicant reports ethnicity as Not Hispanic or Latino).

Note 8 - Borrower/Applicant Minority Status

"Minority Status" combines information reported on race and ethnicity. "White Non-Hispanic" consists of applicants of white race who are not of Hispanic or Latino origin. The "Others, including Hispanic" category consists of applicants of minority races or Hispanic or Latino origin. Applicants not shown are Non-Hispanics where race is not available, whites where ethnicity is not available and those where both race and ethnicity are not available.

Note 9 - Borrower/Applicant Income

Applicants are categorized by the ratio of their reported income to the median family income of the MSA/MD. The median family income of the MSA/MD is computed by the FFIEC using data from the Annual American Community Survey.

Note 10 - Type of Census Tract

The type of census tract is based on demographic information from the 2015 census and the 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-year estimates. It is not based on reported applicant characteristics.

Note 11 - Census Tract Racial/Ethnic Composition

"Minority" means (1) all races other than white and (2) whites of Hispanic or Latino origin.

Note 12 - Census Tract Income (1 of 2)

  • Low Income: census tracts where the median family income is less than 50% of the median MSA/MD income, based on the 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-year estimates
  • Moderate Income: census tracts where the median family income is at least 50% and less than 80% of the median MSA/MD income
  • Middle Income: census tracts where the median family income is at least 80% and less than 120% of the median MSA/MD income
  • Upper Income: census tracts where the median family income is 120% or more of the median MSA/MD income

Note 13 - Census Tract Income (2 of 2)

Excludes census tracts with no reported income

Note 14 - Totals

"Total" includes all applications or loans, as applicable, for the indicated category, and may not sum items in the body of the table.

Note 15 - No Reported Pricing Data

Includes loans in which the annual percentage rate was below the threshold for reporting, and loans for which no annual percentage rate was available for calculating rate spread because the loan was not subject to Regulation Z. It does not include purchased loans or applications that did not result in originations.

Note 16 - Percentage Points Above Average Prime Offer Rate

The annual percentage rate threshold for reporting pricing information is 1.5 percentage points above the applicable average prime offer rate for first-lien loans or 3.5 percentage points above the applicable average prime offer rate for junior-lien loans

Note 17 - HOEPA Loans

Loans covered by the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994 (HOEPA)

Note 18 - Borrower/Applicant Gender Totals

"Total" includes all LARs (yes, including the ones that don't fit into any Gender category). The result is that the sum of the segmented data lines doesn't equal the total line.

Note 19 - Borrower/Applicant Gender

Applicants are shown in one gender category only. For purposes of categorization, the general rule is: the gender (including situations where gender was reported as not provided or not applicable) of the application is categorized by the gender of the Applicant (not the CoApplicant) unless the "joint" gender definition applies. ("joint" means one applicant reports gender as male and the other applicant reports gender as female.)

Note 20 - Applications Received

Applications received equals the total number of loans originated, applications approved but not accepted, applications denied, applications withdrawn, and files closed for incompleteness; excludes loans purchased, preapproval requests denied, and preapproval requests approved but not accepted.

Note 21 - All Other Tracts

Includes census tracts with no reported income

Note 22 - Denial Reasons Totals

Institutions are not required to report reasons for loan denials. "Total" includes cases where multiple reasons were reported.

Note 23 - Median Age of Homes

Census tracts are grouped according to median age. Since the census data on housing stock are categorized in intervals of several years, the median housing stock age for a census tract is determined by calculating the mid-point of the interval in which the median unit falls. The tracts are grouped in this table by the time period in which the median unit was built. Census tracts where the median age is unknown are grouped in the "age unknown" category.

Note 24 - Principal City of MSA/MD

For MSA/MDs with more than one principal city, all principal cities are included.

Note 25 - MSA/MD less Principal City

"MSA/MD less Principal City" includes all census tracts outside the principal city (or cities) but within the MSA/MD.

Note 26 - Tract Unknown

The "Tract Unknown" row contains data when financial institutions reported tract numbers that do not conform with 2010 census definitions, or when financial institutions did not report this information.

Note 27 - County Unknown

The "County Unknown" row contains data when financial institutions reported state and county code combinations that do not conform with 2010 census definitions, or when financial institutions did not report the county.

Note 28 - Total Applications

"Total Applications" equals the total number of loans originated, applications approved but not accepted, applications denied, applications withdrawn, and files closed for incompleteness; excludes loans purchased, preapproval requests denied and preapproval requests approved but not accepted. However, for summary tables at the institution-wide level, "Total Applications" also includes preapproval requests denied and preapproval requests approved but not accepted.

Note 29 - Preapprovals Approved but not Accepted

Reporting preapprovals approved but not accepted is optional; therefore, the numbers in this category may not be consistently reported across institutions.

Note 30 - Mean Percentage Points Above Average Prime Offer Rate

For each loan category, the dollar weighted mean spread is calculated by multiplying each loan with a reported price spread times the dollar amount of the loan and dividing the sum of these dollar weighted loan prices by the total dollar amount of loans in the product category.

Note 31 - Median Percentage Points Above Average Prime Offer Rate

For each loan category, the dollar weighted median spread is calculated for each loan with a reported price by weighting each loan as represented by its rate spread using the dollar size of the loan amount, then finding the rate spread of the loan at the midpoint of this distribution of loan dollars.