NestJS RESTful API Boilerplate with JWT Authentication and backend Mysql. It covers the basic needs, and boilerplate work of a new project. It promotes the best practices that follow the clean architecture.
The Rest API provides the following features right out of the box:
- Endpoints in the widely accepted format
- Standard CRUD operations
- JWT-based authentication
- Middleware
- Environment dependent application configuration
- Logging
- Error handling
- Database migration and seeding
- Data validation
- Full test cover
- Cache(Redis) integration
- Docker compose
- API doc using swagger as yaml file
Docker is needed if you want to try the API without setting up your own database server.
Run the following commands to start experiencing this API:
# download the starter kit
git clone
cd NestJS-REST-API-Boilerplate-with-JWT-and-Mysql
# start a Mysql database server, redis cache & running project in a Docker container
docker-compose up -d
# run migrate database
$ bin/migrate
# revert migration
$ bin/migration-revert
# generate migration file
$ bin/migration-generate ${NameMigration}
# revert migration
$ bin/seed
# test
$ bin/test
# watch test
$ bin/test-watch
At this time, you have a REST API server running at
. It provides the following endpoints:
: show a welcome pagePOST /v1/login
: authenticates a user and generates a JWTGET /v1/users
: returns a paginated list of the albumsGET /v1/users/:id
: returns the detailed information of an userPOST /v1/users
: creates a new userPUT /v1/users/:id
: updates an existing userDELETE /v1/users/:id
: deletes a user
This API uses the following project layout:
├── src
│ ├── auth authentication feature
│ ├── cache redis cache is implemented here
│ ├── domains contains the folders of the logic for instance, user, post ...
│ ├── scripts useful scripts
│ ├── log.config.ts config log
│ ├── ormconfig.service.ts orm config for our service
| └── main.ts where the app is run
├── bin useful commands
├── config database & redis cache configuration
├── docs api doc, swagger.yml
├── logs contain error & info log
├── mysql
| ├── migrations migration files
| ├── seeds seeding database data
│ └── init-db.sql create database
├── tests
| ├── integration integration test
│ └── unit unit test
└── .env environment variables