Quickly get QR Code of currently open page. WebExtension / Firefox version. Chrome version https://github.com/chall3ng3r/QRCoder-Chrome
My original idea of quickly getting QR code from the currently open page was using JS code in bookmark, published on my blog at https://www.orison.biz/blogs/chall3ng3r/2018/05/qr-coder-version-2/
Now newer versions of browsers don't allow this specifically on mobile devices. So, I finally decided to write my first browser extension.
In version 2.0, I added in-browser QR generator, so it will not send your data to any service, and the QR code is generated really fast.
Ver 1.0: Uses online web service to generate QR code
Ver 2.0: Offline QR Code Generator for JavaScript by Kazuhiko Arase http://www.d-project.com/
Credits: Icon by: Freepik from https://www.flaticon.com/ is licensed by http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
ToDo: Add Opera and Safari support.