This ansible role is no longer maintained
Ansible Playbook to install some basic packages and desctop packages, you could need to enjoy your linux desktop.
Have a look into the vars/main.yml
File github) to find out which packages will be installed.
Please be aware that not all packages are available at every linux distribution!
Have a look into defaults/main.yml
(github) you want to change some default parameters. A few of them a described below:
If you won't have cups enabled and installed set the following variable:
install_cups: false #(default is true)
If you don't want a version check:
submodules_versioncheck: false # (default is true)
If you wan't some additional packages on your OS:
- foo
- bar
# installation
ansible-galaxy install do1jlr.role_install_workstaton_packages
# example playbook
- name: install some base and desktop packages
- do1jlr.role_install_workstaton_packages
# installation
git clone roles/workstation_packages
# example playbook
- name: install some base and desktop packages
- packages
- default
- workstation_packages
package name | github url | ansible galaxy |
ranger (file manager) | | (comming soon) |
bat | | (soon) |
If something is not working properly, please feel free to open an issue! (Or even better: Create a pull-request)
If you are missing something, please leave a issue (or a pull-request)!