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Cloud Data Quality Engine

alpha build-test status Code style: black


CloudDQ is a cloud-native, declarative, and scalable Data Quality validation framework for Google BigQuery.

Data Quality validation tests can be defined using a flexible and reusable YAML configurations language. For each rule binding definition in the YAML configs, CloudDQ creates a corresponding SQL view in your Data Warehouse. It then executes the view and collects the data quality validation outputs into a summary table for reporting and visualization.

CloudDQ currently supports in-place validation of BigQuery data.

Note: This project is currently in alpha status and may change in breaking ways.

Declarative Data Quality Configs

Rule Bindings: Defines a single Data Quality validation routine. Each value declared in entity_id, column_id, filter_id, and rule_id is a lookup key for the more detailed configurations that must be defined in their respective configurations files.

    entity_id: TEST_TABLE
    column_id: VALUE
    row_filter_id: DATA_TYPE_EMAIL
    incremental_time_filter_column_id: TS
      brand: one

    entity_id: TEST_TABLE
    column_id: VALUE
    row_filter_id: DATA_TYPE_EMAIL
          column_names: "value"
      brand: two

Each rule_binding must define the fields entity_id, column_id, row_filter_id, and rule_ids. If incremental_time_filter_column_id is defined, CloudDQ will only validate rows with a timestamp higher than the last run timestamp on each run, otherwise it will validate all rows matching the row_filter_id on each run.

Under the metadata config, you may add key-value pairs that will be added as a JSON on each DQ summary row output. The JSON allows custom aggregations and drilldowns over the summary data.

On each run, CloudDQ converts each rule_binding into a SQL script, create a corresponding view in BigQuery, and aggregate the validation results into a table called dq_summary at the location defined in the project's profiles.ymlconfigurations.

You can then use any dashboarding solution such as Data Studio or Looker to visualize the DQ summary table for monitoring and alerting purposes.

Rules: Defines reusable sets of validation logic for data quality.

    rule_type: NOT_NULL

    rule_type: REGEX
      pattern: |-

    rule_type: CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR
      custom_sql_expr: |-
        LENGTH( $column ) <= 30

        - column_names
      custom_sql_statement: |-
        from data
        group by $column_names
        having count(*) > 1

We will add more default rule types over time. For the time being, most data quality rule can be defined with SQL using either CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR or CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT. CUSTOM_SQL_EXPR will flag any row that custom_sql_expr evaluated to False as a failure. CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT will flag any value returned by the whole statement as failures.

CloudDQ will substitute the string $column with the YAML config value provided in column_id. CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT additionally supports custom parameterized variables in custom_sql_arguments that can be defined separately in each rule_binding.

When using CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT, the table data contains rows returned once all row_filters and incremental validation logic have been applied. We recommend simply selecting from data in CUSTOM_SQL_STATEMENT instead of trying to apply your own templating logic to define the target table for validation.

Filters: Defines how each rule binding can be filtered

    filter_sql_expr: |-

    filter_sql_expr: |-
      contact_type = 'email'

Entities: defines the target data tables as validation target.

    source_database: BIGQUERY
    table_name: contact_details
    database_name: dq_test
    instance_name: <your_project_id>
        environment: test
          database_name: <your_project_id>
          instance_name: <your_project_id>
        name: key
        data_type: STRING
        description: |-
          contact detail type
        name: value
        data_type: STRING
        description: |-
          contact detail
        name: ts
        data_type: DATETIME
        description: |-
          updated timestamp

An example entity configurations is provided at configs/entities/test-data.yml. The BigQuery table contact_details that is referred in this config can created using dbt seed --profiles-dir=. details.

If you are testing CloudDQ with the provided configs, ensure you update the <your_project_id> field with the GCP project ID you are using in the profiles.yml file.

You can get the project ID of your project by running:

gcloud config get-value project

Usage Guide

Setting up dbt

The project uses dbt to execute SQL queries against BigQuery.

To set up dbt, you must configure connection profiles to a BigQuery project on GCP using a profiles.yml file, specifying the GCP project ID, BigQuery dataset, BigQuery job location, and authentication method. Within this same config file, you can define different target environment for dev, test, prod, etc... to be passed into CloudDQ's environment_target argument.

We recommend authenticating using oauth (details), either 1) with your application-default credentials via gcloud auth application-default login (details) for Development, or 2) with impersonate_service_account (details) for Test/Production.

More information about dbt's profiles.yml configuration options for BigQuery can be found at

You can start by copying the template at:

cp dbt/profiles.yml.template dbt/profiles.yml

Note that if you change the profile name in profiles.yml.template from default to something else, you will need to make the corresponding change to the config profile in dbt_project.yml.

The Data Quality validation results from each run will be collected into a table called dq_summary located at the project and dataset location in the profile.yml configs.

To create the test dataset used in the code's test-suites and in the following examples, run (after installing dbt in a Python virtualenv):

dbt seed --profiles-dir=.

Alternatively, you can use bq load instead of dbt seed:

export CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_REGION=EU # ensure this is the same as the 'location' config in your `profiles.yml` file.
export CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_DATASET=clouddq # ensure this is the same as the 'dataset' config in your `profiles.yml` file.
bq load --source_format=CSV --autodetect ${CLOUDDQ_BIGQUERY_DATASET}.contact_details dbt/data/contact_details.csv

Ensure you have sufficient IAM privileges to create BigQuery datasets and tables in your project.


Ensure you have installed:

Installing from source

Clone the project:

git clone

Create a new python virtualenv:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

Install clouddq from source:

python3 -m pip install .

You can then call the CLI by running:

python3 -m clouddq --help


Testing the CLI with the default configurations

For a detailed, step-by-step walk through on how to test CloudDQ using the default configurations in this project, see docs/

Example CLI commands

Below is an example command to execute two rule bindings T2_DQ_1_EMAIL and T3_DQ_1_EMAIL_DUPLICATE from a path configs containing the complete YAML configurations:

python3 clouddq \
    configs \
    --metadata='{"test":"test"}' \
    --dbt_profiles_dir=dbt \
    --dbt_path=dbt \

To execute all rule bindings in a path containing the complete YAML configurations called configs, use ALL as the RULE_BINDING_IDS:

python3 clouddq \
    ALL \
    configs \
    --metadata='{"test":"test"}' \
    --dbt_profiles_dir=dbt \
    --dbt_path=dbt \

The CLI expects the paths for dbt_profiles_dir, dbt_path, and environment_target to be provided at runtime.

dbt_profiles_dir is the path to the profiles.yml config file containing the connection profile to BigQuery. You can additionally specify the dbt profile you want to use by passing the profile name to the input variable environment_target. You can find more details about configuring dbt's profiles.yml file at Setting up dbt.

The input variable dbt_path is where CloudDQ will stage the SQL views for each rule-bindings before creating them and aggregating the validation output into the dq_summary table. If a directory named dbt is not present at the path provided in the input argument, CloudDQ will create one using the default configurations as is provided in this git repository.

The content of dbt_profiles_dir and dbt_path can be customized to meet your needs. For example, you can:

  1. customize the values returned in the dq_summary table by modifying dbt/models/data_quality_engine/dq_summary.sql,
  2. calculate different summary scores in dbt/models/data_quality_engine/main.sql, or
  3. create a new SQL model to write rows that failed a particular rule_binding from dbt/models/rule_binding_views/ into a different table for reporting and remediation.

By default, clouddq does not write data from the original tables into any other table to avoid accidentally leaking PII.

clouddq CLI expects to find a local top-level macros directory, even if you cannot pass it in during runtime. This is why we recommend either installing clouddq by cloning the entire repository or by building a self-contained Python executable with Bazel.



The development commands provided in the Makefile have been tested to work on debian and ubuntu. They have not been tested on mac-os. There is currently no planned support for windows.

See make options at:

make help

Note that you may want to update the bazel cache in .bazelrc to a GCS bucket you have access to.

build --remote_cache=<your_gcs_bucket_name>

Run CLI with Bazel

First install Bazelisk into a local path:

make bin/bazelisk

Then use bazelisk run to execute the main CLI:

bin/bazelisk run //clouddq:clouddq -- \
  T2_DQ_1_EMAIL \
  $(pwd)/configs \
  --metadata='{"test":"test"}' \
  --dbt_profiles_dir="$(pwd)" \
  --dbt_path="$(pwd)/dbt" \

As bazel run execute the code in a sandbox, non-absolute paths will be relative to the sandbox path not the current path. Ensure you are passing absolute paths to the command line arguments such as dbt_profiles_dir, dbt_path, etc...

Additionally, you may want to run source scripts/ && confirm_gcloud_login to check that your gcloud credentials are set up correctly.

Run tests and linting

To run unit tests:

make test

To run a particular test:

make test test_templates

To apply linting:

make lint


Build a self-contained Python executable with Bazel

You can use Bazel to build a self-contained executable Python zip file that includes a Python interpreter as well as all of the project dependencies such as dbt.

To build and executable Python zip file:

make build

The build step depends on sandboxfs in order to ensure the build artifact has as little dependencies on the host environment as possible. Ensure sandboxfs is installed by following the instructions at:

You can read more about Bazel sandboxing here:

You can then run the resulting zip artifact by passing it into any Python interpreter (this will show the help text):

python bazel-bin/clouddq/ --help

As Bazel will fetch the Python interpreter as well as all of its dependencies, this step will take a few minutes to complete. Once completed for the first time, the artifacts will be cached and subsequent builds will be much faster.

The Python zip have been tested with Python versions >=2.7.17 and >=3.8.6. As the zip contains a bundled python interpreter as well as all of clouddq's dependencies, there is no need to ensure the python interpreter used to execute the zip has its dependencies installed.

The executable Python zip is not cross-platform compatible. You will need to build the executable separately for each of your target platforms.

The Python zip includes the top-level macros directory, which will be hard-coded in the executable and cannot be changed at runtime.

Deploy Python Zip as a Dataproc Job

For a detailed, step-by-step walk through on how to deploy a CloudDQ job using Dataproc, see docs/


1. Cannot find shared library dependencies on system

If running make build fails due to missing shared library dependencies (e.g. _ctypes or libssl), try the below steps to install them, then clear the bazel cache with make clean and retry.

Mac OS X:

If you haven't done so, install Xcode Command Line Tools (xcode-select --install) and Homebrew. Then:

# optional, but recommended:
brew install openssl readline sqlite3 xz zlib


sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev

2. Wrong glibc version

If you encounter the following error when running the executable Python zip on a different machine to the one you used to build your zip artifact: machine:

/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.xx' not found

This suggests that the glibc version on your target machine is incompatible with the version on your build machine. Resolve this by rebuilding the zip on machine with identical glibc version (usually this means the same OS version) as on your target machine, or vice versa.

3. Failed to initiatize sandboxfs: Failed to get sandboxfs version from sandboxfs

This means you have not completed installing sandboxfs before running make build.

To install sandboxfs, follow the instructions at

As a complete example, see below commands you can run to install sandboxfs on a linux system:

sudo apt install libfuse2
curl -Lo /tmp/sandboxfs-0.2.0.tgz
sudo tar xzv -C /usr/local -f /tmp/sandboxfs-0.2.0.tgz
rm /tmp/sandboxfs-0.2.0.tgz


CloudDQ is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0. This is not an official Google product.


Data Quality Engine for BigQuery







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  • Python 70.6%
  • Shell 17.4%
  • Starlark 10.1%
  • Makefile 1.9%