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Releases: cheesecakeufo/komorebi

Release: Komorebi is back with an update!

29 Jul 19:22
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This release brings the following changes to Komorebi:

  1. Komorebi brings support for Web Page wallpapers. Now you can set your favorite website as a wallpaper!
  2. Support for multi-monitors! (thanks, @PJayB !)
  3. Fix for icons clicking when disabled.
  4. Fix issue where video wallpapers not creating correctly in 'Wallpaper Creator'.
  5. Removed libgtop requirement.
  6. New wallpapers!
  7. Fix issue where some icons don't show up because of missing keys.
  8. Automatically switch wallpaper to default if the current setup is broken.
    And more!

The current packaged release is for 64-bit only. Komorebi still works for 32-bit, but you'll need to build it manually.. Komorebi homepage has details on how to do that.

Release: Say Hi to Komorebi 2.0

08 Sep 04:07
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This release brings major changes to Komorebi:

  1. Komorebi now uses Clutter for its core. Clutter provides beautiful, smooth, and fast animations!
  2. Stability and bug fixes. Your bug reports helped a lot!
  3. Video wallpaper support!
  4. Desktop Icons.
  5. More wallpaper customization options.
  6. Backwards compatibility (if you've created any wallpapers for Komorebi 1, all of them will be automatically updated to 2.0)
  7. Create your own wallpapers using Komorebi Wallpaper Creator!
    And much more.

The current packaged release is for 64-bit only. Komorebi still works for 32-bit, but you'll need to build it manually.. Komorebi homepage has details on how to do that.

Beta: Major bug fixes and additional enhancements

09 Feb 05:13
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-Fixed issues with dual monitors showing wrong.
-Fixed issues with GNOME Shell and other shells.
-Added a new beta option to optimize memory (works for non-parallax, non-gradient).
-Added a new cartoon mountain wallpaper.
-Added an option to quit Komorebi from the right-click preferences window.
-Smaller package size.

New beta with UI Configuration

07 Feb 01:18
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-Added UI Support for configuring Komorebi (Just right click anywhere on the wallpaper)
-Added Support for 24hr system

Download Komorebi below then install using your favorite package manager.

Note: If you have any issues, please create an issue, and I will respond as soon as possible.

0.9 Beta Release

06 Feb 02:45
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First beta/stable release.

Download Komorebi below then install using your favorite package manager.

Note: If you have any issues, please create an issue, and I will respond as soon as possible.