如果你有学习上的问题可以在issue中提问,也可以邮箱联系我:[email protected] | [email protected]
为了方便更广泛的获取资源,这里引用了CSU其他同学整理的资料仓库。 如果你想在此处补充你的仓库链接,请提出issue并附上你的仓库链接:
资料受众: 计科或计算机专业有需要的人(保研/出国/工作)
- 一些专业核心科目的前期调研,此部分信息来自于网络,主要是我在寒假的时候调研所得,内容主要包含各科的学习方法和学习重点,可以在几分钟内就知道这门课要学什么,怎么学。(根据个人需求看,只留给寒假自学的卷王)
- 各科的考前重点整理,重点来自于**不同班级不同老师,最后经过汇总所以比较全面,**其中数据库考试原题覆盖率90%,计网重点考试覆盖率90%,算法重点的考试覆盖率70%。提前拿到重点的好处就是我们可以结合重点有选择性听课, 剩余的时间用来参加竞赛和写论文,或者刷算法和做项目。
各种专业课作业+答案,例如操作系统、人工智能、数据库等,我的作业90%以上为优秀,可以参考。(此部分删除)专业课的期末课程实验+实验报告,包括数据库报告、操作系统实验+报告、计网实验+报告、python实验+报告、还有最终的综合java网络实验+报告,我的所有实验几乎都拿了优,可以参考。(此部分删除)- 各种考试资料的整理,已经整理了很多有价值的人工智能试卷,python开卷打印的索引等;还整理了各科需要看的专业书籍,例如计网和操作系统的《王道考研》电子版,此书可覆盖计网期末考试重点,我也已在书上标记了老师强调的重点,并在某乎已经发布了去年考试重点+考完以后的和重点匹配的情况。
专业资料整理,大量计算机专业书籍。我整理了一些大佬推荐的专业书籍,包含计网、操作系统、算法、数据库等科目,例如《程序员的自我修养—链接、装载与库》、《汇编白皮书》、《The.Art.of.Computer.Programming.Volume.3》、《我的第一本算法书》、《Database System Concepts, Sixth Edition》.....打包一起送了。(由于上传限制,此部分暂时删除)
如果你现在大一/大二/大三,准备留学美国/香港,请谨慎寻找中介(无CS项目和科研背景 or 无美国本地人的中介不可信)。
如果有需要可以联系我([email protected]),我们会帮你做出最适合CSU CS背景的规划:
- 从目前开始到留学前的详细规划
- 刷高GPA的可行方案(卡分、平时分、重修、缓考、公选课…)
- 弱基础准备Toefl和GRE的方法
- 本科发论文和做科研的方法
- 经营自己作品集网站和Github的方法
- 拿校内和海外科研强推荐信的方法
- 绩点&项目&科研&论文&实习 哪些是重要的,哪些是没有必要做的
- ……
之后我会和辅导员合作举办一场留学分享会,感兴趣的同学也可以来参加。 下面是预计涵盖的内容大纲:
Revision Materials for the Undergraduate Studies in Computer Science at Central South University
- Please use these materials reasonably and appropriately without abuse. Independent learning is encouraged.
- I intend to help more people pursue their dreams and not waste their prime years on unnecessary coursework.
- I have taken many high-quality online courses from foreign universities. You may be interested in taking a look at my course collection repository: https://github.com/FeijiangHan/cs_courses
- Lab exercises are not provided. It is recommended that you complete them on your own and do additional explorations.
- You can utilize my organized key learning points to locate important topics quickly. Feel free to ditch less important areas and devote more time to meaningful activities.
- If possible, please star some of my other projects as well. Several contain course designs and hot research topics.
Looking back on the road behind me, I regret spending too much time grinding for grades.
I hope these materials can save you some time from grade grinding, so please allocate more of your energy to programming practice and scientific research. That is what you should focus on.
P.S. I am currently preparing to study abroad. When the time comes, I will write a post about my experience abroad and preparation for English proficiency tests.
Please feel free to ask any questions about learning in the issues section. All are welcome to contribute additional materials to build an even better learning environment.
Core Materials:
Artificial Intelligence (人工智能) - Sophomore Year, Second Semester (大二下)
Human-Computer Interaction (人机交互) - Junior Year, First Semester (大三上)
Computer Architecture (体系结构) - Junior Year, First Semester (大三上)
Distributed and Cloud Computing (分布式与云计算) - Junior Year, Second Semester (大三下)
Parallel Computing (并行计算) - Junior Year, Second Semester (大三下)
Operating Systems (操作系统) - Sophomore Year, Second Semester (大二下)
Digital Circuits (数字电路) - Sophomore Year, Second Semester (大二下)
Data Warehousing and Data Mining (数据仓库与数据挖掘) - Junior Year, Second Semester (大三下)
Data Structures (数据结构) - Sophomore Year, Second Semester (大二下)
Analog Electronics (模电) - Sophomore Year, Second Semester (大二下)
Principles of Marxism (毛概) - Junior Year, First Semester (大三上)
Network Security (网络安全) - Junior Year, Second Semester (大三下)
Computer Systems Architecture (计算机体系结构) - Junior Year, First Semester (大三上)
Computer Networks (计网) - Sophomore Year, Second Semester (大二下)
Software Architecture (软件体系结构) - Junior Year, Second Semester (大三下)
Software Engineering (软件工程) - Junior Year, First Semester (大三上)
Optional Materials: