This is the "Agile is a Lie" team's learning path. This path will give you the resources to take you from having a basic knowledge in agile principles to master them.
Freely inspired by Starway-to-orione thank you @xpeppers.
- 🇬🇧📃Of course the Agile Manifesto
- 🇬🇧📃And the Principles behind the Agile Manifesto
- 🇬🇧📃And the Principles behind the Agile Manifesto
We support continuous learning through our learning path
- 🇬🇧📃The official Scrum guide
- 🇬🇧📃Everything you should learn about retrospective
- 🇬🇧📃Getting retrospective action done
- 🇬🇧📃The importance to have the real customer at the sprint review
- 🇬🇧📃About sprint review
- 🇬🇧📃How to succeed with Zombie Scrum A sarcastic list of tricks to improve your Zombie Scrum
- 🇬🇧🎥Scaling Agile with Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) Craig Larman Keynote video at Ericsonn
- 🇬🇧📃Feature Teams vs Component Teams (LeSS)
- 🇬🇧📃70 theses about Scrum Master that describe your role.
- 🇬🇧🎥Host Leadership meetup with Pierluigi Pugliese
- 🇮🇹🎥Myths about Scrum Master meetup with Pierluigi Pugliese
- 🇬🇧🎥Confession of a Change Agent Henrik Kniberg
- 🇬🇧📃Inspiration & plan for Agile retrospective
- 🇬🇧📃Shu-Ha-Ri methodology inspired by Aikido masters to teach how to be agile at the scrum team.
- 🇬🇧📃Full-time Scrum Master a daily TODO list for scrum masters.
- 🇬🇧📃Three mistakes Scrum Master usually do and how to fix them.
- 🇮🇹🎥Gli schiacciatori NON parlano dell'alzata, la risolvono
- 🇮🇹🎥Myths about Product Owner meetup with Pierluigi Pugliese
- 🇬🇧📃Prioritization techniques
- 🇬🇧🎥How to design the stop sign without a PO
- 🇬🇧📃Essential XP: Card, Conversation, Confirmation The essence of a User Story and Acceptance Test
- 🇮🇹🎥How to (not) write user stories meetup with Pierluigi Pugliese
- 🇮🇹🎥Where to start and how to split development in User Stories: Responsive design and analysis XP by Matteo Vaccari