Weave story is a web application that allows users to upload their personal stories/experiences and other users can see these stories, like them and make comments on them. How cool is that 😇
- Upload user experiences
- View other users experiences
- Login/Sign up
To run this project locally, you have to follow these steps below;
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Aahil13/v40-geckos-team-14.git
install react
npx create-react-app appname
install the following dependencies
npm i react-browser-router
npm install @auth0/auth0-react
npm install react-icons --save
start the app
npm start
- React-DOM
- React
- Auth0
This project will include the following features
- Add Profile to users
- Check negative/abusive words
- Bookmark story
- Adding user comments
- Comment on user stories
- Edit user experiences