- General Introduction
- Contents of the Replication Package
- Requirements
- How to Replicate the Evaluation and Case Study?
- Preconditions
This is the replication package for FSE submission, containing both tools and data that are requested by the replication. It also provides detailed instructions to replicate the evaluation.
/Implementation: The implementation (in Java) of the proposed approach.
/Evaluation: Replication package for the evaluation section.
/CaseStudy: Replication package for the case study.
- Java >=11
- Git >= 1.9
- Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers(Older than 4.26.0)
- Mac OS or Linux
- Defects4J
git clone https://github.com/Anonymous3202/ValExtractor.git
Hint: considering the complexity of defects4j configuration, we provide the zip file of the example projects under casestudy/projects/
and evaluation/projects/
Open Eclipse and import Implementation/ValExtractor into Workspace.
Click File
... Import
, then selected Existing projects into Workspace
Select directory(path to Implementation/ValExtractor) as root and Click Finish
Open Constrants.java
(Locate in valextractor.utils
package) and modify Project_Path
( Path2Implementation/ValExtractor), EXP1_ROOT
(the root path of the generated result in Case Study part) and EXP2_ROOT
(the root path of the generated result in Evaluation part)
//----------- need to configure -----------
public static final String Project_Path="***/ValExtractor/Implementation/ValExtractor/";
public static final String EXP1_ROOT = "***/ValExtractor/CaseStudy/";
public static final String EXP2_ROOT = "***/ValExtractor/Evaluation/";
Note: please make sure all the paths end with /
Run ValExtractor as an Eclipse Application
We take project "Lang" as an example to show how to reproduce evaluation. The way to obtain Lang
is to run the command:
defects4j checkout -p Lang -v 1f -w PATH2ValExtractor/Evaluation/projects/Lang
Hint: all the projects evaluated for refactorings have the same bug number 1f
Click Create a project
or Open File
... New
... Project
Configure Project Location, Click Finish
Open Replicate
and Click Extract Variables
in menu.
The evaluation and case study have different running models. In the evaluation part, we should try all repetitive expressions whereas in the case study we should only try such refactorings discovered from evolution history. To this end, you should let the tool known what you want to replicate and which test project you want to replicate.
{If you are replicating the evaluation, please type 1. Otherwise, type 2 to replicate the case study}
mode type:1
Evaluation! input project name in eclipse
After execution, the following window will pop up:
All the generated Result will be show as follows.
folder generates three parts, the result of eclipse execution(patch/Lang/eclipse
), the result of our approach execution(patch/Lang/ours
), the result of the comparison(patch/Lang/compare
), all of which are stored in the form of patch
, all of which are stored in the form of patch
folder contains the runtime of the eclipse/our approach for each refactoring in milliseconds.
folder generates the result of ours execution(jrrt/Lang/ours
) with the setting of "Extracting Only Once" which are stored in the form of java
shows the comparison between JRRT and ours as following.
Lang total: 565
JRRT and Ours do: 426
JRRT does but Ours not does: 28
Ours does but JRRT not does: 94
JRRT and Ours not do: 17
Note1: all the files *.xlsx
are obtained after we manually labeled the refactoring results of replication, rather than automatically generated.
Note2: the way to obtain all the files under /patch/Lang/ours
and the way to obtain all the files under /jrrt/Lang/JRRT
will be will be explained in IDEA Instruction and JRRT Instruction respectively.
We take project Codec
as an example to show how to reproduce evaluation.
Click Create a project
or Open File
... New
... Project
Configure Location, and Click Finish
Open Replicate
and Click Extract Variables
in menu.
The evaluation and case study have different running models. In the evaluation part, we should try all repetitive expressions whereas in the case study we should only try such refactorings discovered from evolution history. To this end, you should let the tool known what you want to replicate and which test project you want to replicate.
{If you are replicating the evaluation, please type 1. Otherwise, type 2 to replicate the case study}
mode type:2
Case Study! please input project name in eclipse
After execution, the window will pop up as Evaluation section.
All the Result will be show as follows:
folder contains three parts, the result of eclipse execution(patch/commons-codec/eclipse
), the result of our approach execution(patch/commons-codec/ours
), all of which are stored in the form of patch
folder contains the evaluation of the eclipse/our approach compared with the ground truth. Notably, 1
presents consistent, 0
presents inconsistent. Notably, sometimes the ground truth is incorrect, so 0
does not equivalent to imperfect/buggy.
folder contains the runtime of the eclipse/our approach for each refactoring in milliseconds.
Note1: file summary.xlsx
is obtained after we manually checked the refactoring results of Eclipse/ValExtractor based on eval
floder, rather than automatically generated.
Note2: the reproduction and comparison of IDEA under the folder patch/commons-codec/idea
are performed manually rather than automatically generated.
FULL CONDITIONS when a set of literally identical expressions could be extracted by an extract variable refactoring: