3D-Reconstruction-With-RGBD 简体中文
This is a demo built in the third term of BUCT. It is a task assigned by HuWei which requires us make a work with Kinect.So we do a 3D-Reconstruction with it. This demo is not completely finished. Therefore it leaves many unconstructed or under constructing function. In this demo, we implement the function of four display mode for model we construct with point could. And implement a simple AR function.
- connect Kinect with OpenGL.
- point cloud construction.
- plane construction by triangulation from point cloud.
- distant display mode.
- normal display mode.
- light display mode.
- color display mode.
- AR(far from perfect).
- Complete Documentation
- Windows 10 OS
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2017(version may not matter)
- Kinect SDK v1.8
- OpenGL v3.3
- glfw3
- glad
include directory:
library directory:
additional dependencies:
kernel32.lib user32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Kinect10.lib glfw3.lib opengl32.lib
if I have time, I will continue finish this demo until it can at least work like a simple product. Due to the fact that now I am going to take part in the postgraduate entrance exams, this demo can be updated at least after half a year.
3D-Reconstruction-With-RGBD is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.