A tool help you create DMG for your app, with many customizable options.
This is a by-product of my development of some Swift packages, providing everyone with an easy-to-use tool to create DMG in Swift.
Install with Homebrew
brew install chocoford/repo/swifty-dmg
OVERVIEW: A tool help you create dmg for your app.
USAGE: create-dmg <app-url> [--output <output>] [--background <background>] [--nobackground] [--skipcodesign] [--verbose]
<app-url> The url of your app.
-o, --output <output> The destination of the dmg.
-b, --background <background>
The background image of the dmg.
--nobackground, --nobg Remove the background of the dmg.
--skipcodesign Skip codesign for the dmg.
--verbose Print progress updates when creating dmg.
-h, --help Show help information.
- Create DMG
- Customizable options (Ongoing...)
- AppDMG - A swift package that enables creating DMG files programmatically.
- DSStoreKit - A swift package that help you customize
file of your folders.