A work-in-progress Kafka client library written in Elixir.
Asterix will start out as a simple client to the Kafka APIs without any further features. When it is stable enough it could become a more capable client that handles the low level details for you automatically (batching, broker tracking, etc), using the aforementioned APIs. These following tasks are just for the initial scope.
- Metadata API
- Produce API (in progress)
- Fetch API
- Offset API
- (Offset Commit/Fetch API)
Given that you have a Kafka server running at locahost:9092
, run:
mix run -e 'Asterix.main :localhost, 9092'
Currently that only displays the structure of a MetadataResponse from Kafka.
mix test
Asterix source code is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE for more information.