This is a Kotlin Multiplatform project.
An Android App showcasing Jetpack Compose
An Android Watch App showcasing Jetpack Compose
A iOS App showcasing integration of Kotlin to Swift and SwiftUI
A Java Desktop App showcasing Compose Multiplatform for Desktop.
Run ./gradlew :desktop:run
to start the app.
A JavaScript Web application showcasing Compose Multiplatform for HTML.
You can start the dev server running ./gradlew :web:jsBrowserDevelopmentRun
Note Web support is Experimental
A JavaScript / WebAssembly Browser Application showcasing Compose Multiplatform rendered on a Canvas.
Run ./gradlew :web-canvas:jsBrowserDevelopmentRun
to start the JavaScript Application
Run ./gradlew :web-canvas:wasmBrowserDevelopmentRun
to start the WebAssembly Application
Note Using experimental Kotlin/Wasm may require enabling experimental features in the target environment.
- Chrome 110 or newer: enable WebAssembly Garbage Collection at chrome://flags/#enable-webassembly-garbage-collection or with Chrome 109 or newer, run the program with the
command line argument. - Firefox Nightly 112 or newer: enable javascript.options.wasm_function_references and javascript.options.wasm_gc at about:config.
- Edge 109 or newer: run the program with the
command line argument.
For more information see
Ktor Back end for the apps
Run locally with ./gradlew :backend:run
or deploy to Google Cloud App Engine with ./gradlew :backend:appengineDeploy
For API Documentation see backend/
The common
project includes all the shared code across the different platforms. To learn more
check out Kotlin Multiplatform.
A shared Jetbrains Compose module for shared Composables
Copyright (c) 2021. Christian Grach <[email protected]>
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0