The CycloneDX Ruby Gem creates a valid CycloneDX bill-of-material document from all project dependencies. CycloneDX is a lightweight BoM specification that is easily created, human readable, and simple to parse. The resulting bom.xml can be used with tools such as OWASP Dependency-Track for the continuous analysis of components.
gem install cyclonedx-ruby
gem build cyclonedx-ruby.gemspec
gem install cyclonedx-ruby-x.x.x.gem
cyclonedx-ruby [options]
`-v, --[no-]verbose` Run verbosely
`-p, --path path` Path to Ruby project directory
`-h, --help` Show help message
Output: bom.xml file in project directory
cyclonedx-ruby -p /path/to/ruby/project
Permission to modify and redistribute is granted under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for the full license.