A tool for indieweb live noting (aka live tweeting/live blogging).
To try it go to http://www.noterlive.com
For those wishing to properly display the available hovercard output on their websites, they should include the javascript file included in the repository in their root web folder and ensure that the displaying webpage includes <script src="/hovercards.js"></script>
. One will also need to include appropriate CSS for displaying these cards, a possible sample can be found in /resources/noterlive.css
add a logout button for twitter
add title and header/footer composition for full posts
import hCards to speaker buttons as well as twitter handles
persist to localStorage to survive accidental refresh
add micropub support for noting elsewhere
add micropub/atompub/metaweblog for posting articles elsewhere
better twitter length estimation (via Tantek's cassis.js) autolink in the html version (via Tantek's cassis.js)