app link
As a dog lover, I want a web application which allows me to display dog pictures!
Level 1 Acceptance Criteria
- Demonstrate that the user can type in a dog breed into a text box.
- Demonstrate that if the user types in a valid dog breed, that images for the breed show up.
- Demonstrate an error message is shown if the typed in text does not return any images.
Level 2 Acceptance Criteria
- Demonstrate that the text box is replaced with a dropdown showing the primary breeds.
- Demonstrate that upon selection of a breed in the dropdown, that the images for the breed are displayed.
Level 3 Acceptance Criteria
- Demonstrate that an additional dropdown is added to select sub-breeds for any breed that has sub-breeds.
- Demonstrate upon selection of a sub-breed, that only images from that sub-breed appear.
Technical notes
Use the Dog API found on:
You may put all the code in app.js or separate into files. Entirely your preference for purposes of this exercise, and your choice will not be judged.
You may use online resources to help you solve the problem, but please ensure it's a part of the screen share.
All the imports you should need are already included, but you can import anything you want.