This ansible role is to enable snmp on linux systems. Please adjust location, contact, community and snmp v3 user/passes as needed. In default configuration the snmpd configuration will be modified, not replaced. SNMP requests are possible from any source with snmp v2c and v3; please use a firewall to limit the accesses.
This role has no special requirements.
Here is a list of variables defined in defaults/main.yml:
# reset snmpd.conf to defaults
snmpd_config_defaults: 'no'
# device location and contact
snmp_location: 'FRA1, Interxion, Frankfurt am Main, Germany [50.11970, 8.73600]'
snmp_contact: 'Data Center <[email protected]>'
# snmp agent listen address - IPv4 and IPv6 UDP
snmp_agentaddress: 'udp:161,udp6:[::1]:161'
# snmp source - accept requests from globally (default) or from network (e.g.
snmp_source: 'default'
# snmp v2c community
snmp_rocommunity: 'mYsEcrEtComMuniTy01'
# snmp v3 user and passwords
snmp_v3user: 'snmpv3user'
snmp_v3authpass: 'SeCrEtAuThPaSs'
snmp_v3privpass: 'SeCrEtPrIvPaSs'
# check if snmp v2c is working on remote host
snmpd_check_v2c: 'yes'
# check if snmp v3 is working on remote host
snmpd_check_v3: 'no'
This role has no dependencies.
This role can be used e.g. with the following playbook:
- name: enable snmp
hosts: linux_server
remote_user: root
- christian_becker.snmp
- Christian Becker - christian-becker