The aim of this project is to make a well-tested, multi-device friendly, accessible, skeleton of components that can easily be added to any project. Ultimately, reducing some of the friction and time-cost of making form elements accessible and device happy.
Ideally, these will be progressively enhanced form elements starting with semantic markup and enhanced with browser capability. I'll be using media queries as a qualifier for any form component that requires an adjacent/sibling selector (radios/checkboxes). Which means most components will be available in most modern browsers with exception of IE8 and below. IE8 and below will just show a standard, unstyled form element.
Currently each component will be tested for:
- Accessibility: Keyboard control, High contrast mode, Screen readers (NVDA, Voiceover, JAWS)
- Different screen sizes
- Touch and pointer capable devices
- 2-in-1 touch/pointers + click capable devices (coming soon)
- Actual devices (currently I'm using a small device testing suite which includes an oldish Windows Phone, an Android 4.1.2 phone and a fairly modern iOS device, i'd like to expand device testing capabilities soon so I can cover the 2-in-1s)