Hi, My name is Charunthon Limseelo. Actually, this is my first website to create for my personalization and personal cv. By during the time that I study on web development, I decided to create my own website to show my skill and my experience to the world. I hope you enjoy my website and I hope you will get some idea from my website.
This website is created by using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I use the bootstrap framework to help me to design my website. I use the font-awesome to help me to design my website, which I actually use the google font to help me to design my website. Also, there is no need to worry about the responsive of my website because I use the bootstrap framework to help me to design, and no need to install any software to run my website because I use the GitHub page to help me to run my website, also I just install only visual studio code to help me to code my website.
you can run my website by click on this link: https://boatchrnthn.vercel.app/
- You can click on the navigation bar to go to the page that you want to go.
- You can contact me by email: [email protected]