Demo project implemented using Spring-boot, Kotlin as backend and React, Typescript as frontend showing how to use compute the intersection of two sets
- openjdk 21
- How to install on Linux:
- Apache Maven latest version
- Kotlin latest version
- How to install on Linux:
- Git
sudo apt-get -y install git
git clone
- Download ktlint at
- Generate .editorconfig file which scaffold basic rule sets
ktlint generateEditorConfig --code-style=ktlint_official >> ./.editorconfig
- Details on how to add ktlint-maven-plugin to your POM can be found at
curl -sSLO
./detekt-cli-1.23.3/bin/detekt-cli --generate-config
- (Optional) To generate .editorconfig file which scaffold basic rule sets run and detekt which detects potential code smells, if it has been done previously you can skip this step
mvn antrun:run@ktlint-generate-editor-config
Then copy the content from stdout
to .editorconfig
mvn antrun:run@detekt-generate-config
Then detekt.yml
is ready
- (Mandatory) Validate, compile, test and integration test cd to project directory
cd demo-set-intersection/
mvn verify
Ktlint report will be output to stdin
Surefire and Failsafe reports can be found in target/site/jacoco/index.html
and target/site/jacoco-it/index.html
- At the moment securing our Rest apis with ssl is not tested
To secure communication between server and client using one-way ssl we generate a key store for each of them
cd {projectdir.basedir}/src/main/resource
keytool -genkeypair -alias servercert -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore server.p12 -validity 3650 -storepass changeit
cd to project directory
cd demo-set-intersection/
mvn spring-boot:run[active_profile]
where active_profile
can be local
or ssl
, then an http (8080) or https (8443) default port will be loaded respectively.
If your machine has Apache Maven with other version than 3.9.5, there's no problem. You can overcome with Maven wrapper, the idea is borrowed from Gradle, see detail in
If we have generated key stores for server above and built the application with ssl activated then to make ssl work, we will want to import server certificate into browser. This will be done after the warning about unsecured connection pops up and we make an exception of localhost (server certificate will be imported)
OpenAPI definition can be found locally at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html (with local profile) or https://localhost:8443/swagger-ui.html (with ssl profile) after backend has been built and started