This directory contains input files for TerraFERMA used for the subduction benchmark in: "An introductory review of thermal structure of subduction zones: II. Numerical approach, validation, and comparison", van Keken & Wilson, PEPS, 2023.
The primary subdirectories of this directory correspond to the different subduction zones discussed in Syracuse et al., PEPI, 2010, for example:
The subdirectories of this directory correspond to the two different benchmark cases:
: an isoviscous benchmark casecase2
: a variable viscosity benchmark case
and a supplementary directory:
: containing various plotting scripts
Each case directory contains several input files. The steady state cases use the basename subduction_steadystate_linpicard_p2p1p2
: contains the input to TerraFERMA, a complete description of the steady state numerical problem, including all parameters, equations and boundary conditions (tfml: TerraFERMA markup language)subduction_steadystate_linpicard_p2p1p2.shml
: contains the input to the TerraFERMA simulation harness, a wrapper around TerraFERMA allowing multiple simulations with different parameters to be run and compared (shml: simulation harness markup language)
The time-dependent linearized cases use the basename subduction_linearized_p2p1p2
: contains the input to TerraFERMA, a complete description of the time-dependent numerical problem, including all parameters, equations and boundary conditions (tfml: TerraFERMA markup language)subduction_linearized_p2p1p2.shml
: contains the input to the TerraFERMA simulation harness, a wrapper around TerraFERMA allowing multiple simulations with different parameters to be run and compared (shml: simulation harness markup language)
The time-dependent fully nonlinear cases use the basename subduction_p2p1p2
: contains the input to TerraFERMA, a complete description of the time-dependent numerical problem, including all parameters, equations and boundary conditions (tfml: TerraFERMA markup language)subduction_p2p1p2.shml
: contains the input to the TerraFERMA simulation harness, a wrapper around TerraFERMA allowing multiple simulations with different parameters to be run and compared (shml: simulation harness markup language)
The following instructions assume an active installation of TerraFERMA (the Transparent Finite ELement Rapid Model Assembler). If one is not available the consider using the docker image provided for this directory at:
This docker image contains a complete installation of TerraFERMA and its dependencies, PETSc, FEniCS and SPuD, within an Ubuntu 20.04LTS OS. For a full description of TerraFERMA please refer to the webpage:
To run a simulation use the tfsimulationharness
command and an input shml
file. For example, to run the steady state case for
case 1, from the base directory of the directory, run:
cd case1
tfsimulationharness --test subduction_steadystate_linpicard_p2p1p2.shml
The command is the same regardless of which case is chosen.
The example above runs a single simulation with some set of default parameters. A set of parameters has been exposed to the command line through the simulation harness and default to the benchmark values. These are:
- Dc - the mechanical coupling depth along the slab (km, default = 80.0)
- minres - a scaling factor for the resolution setting the minimum element size and scaling all other resolutions appropriately (km, default = 2.0, 1.0, 0.5)
- V - convergence speed (mm/yr, default = 100.0)
- A - age of slab at trench (Myr, default = 100.0)
- cfl - the maximum Courant number to allow when selecting a timestep (only applicable to the time-dependent cases, default = 1.0 & 2.0)
These can be varied with the optional --parameters
argument to tfsimulationharness
, e.g.:
cd case1
tfsimulationharness --parameters Dc 70.0 --test subduction_steadystate_linpicard_p2p1p2.shml
to run case 1 with a shallower coupling depth, or:
cd case1
tfsimulationharness --parameters minres 2.0 minres 1.0 --test subduction_steadystate_linpicard_p2p1p2.shml
to run a suite of different resolutions.
Each .tfml
file contains a full description of the problem. Parameters not exposed at the command line can be modified using the GUI, diamond
, e.g.:
cd case1
diamond subduction_steadystate_linpicard_p2p1p2.tfml
will open a full description of the model, including all parameters, equations, discretizations and boundary conditions.
Similarly, diamond
can be used to view and edit the .shml
file, e.g.:
cd case1
diamond subduction_steadystate_linpicard_p2p1p2.shml
which will show the simulation harness file, containing the command line parameters and the post-processing routines.
Tutorials with guidance about using TerraFERMA and its GUI, diamond
, are available on the TerraFERMA wiki:
Output is organized by parameters in the
(for steady state cases),
(for linearized time-dependent cases) and
(for fully
non-linear time-dependent cases) subdirectories.
For example, in the case1
directory output using the default parameters can be found in the folder:
The main output files are:
): contains the full temperature field. This can be opened in standard visualization packages likeparaview
: the log and error files for TerraFERMA, useful if something goes wrongsubduction_solid.det
: contains the output from various point "detectors" that evaluate the temperature at significant points in the simulation domain (mainly along and near the slab, see below for a description of these slab paths), this can be parsed in python using modules provided as part of TerraFERMA (see or through the files described below for other formatssubduction_solid.json
: contains a subset of the data fromsubduction_solid.det
but using a.json
format for easier parsing (see also.tsv
files below)slab_T.tsv
: a tab separated value list of (x,y,T) temperatures along the slab (a subset of the same data as in the.det
files above, provided for easier parsing)surface_q.tsv
: a tab separated value list of (x,y,qz) surface heat fluxes along the domain surface (a subset of the same data as in the.det
files above, provided for easier parsing)
Some rudimentary plotting routines are provided in the .shml
files to compare suites of simulations. This can be turned on interactively by setting the environment variable PLOT=1
, e.g.:
cd case1
PLOT=1 tfsimulationharness --test subduction_steadystate_linpicard_p2p1p2.shml
To re-run the plotting (and post-processing generation of subduction_solid.json
etc.) on a previously run model use the --just-test
argument to tfsimulationharness
, e.g.:
cd case1
PLOT=1 tfsimulationharness --just-test subduction_steadystate_linpicard_p2p1p2.shml
Even without the PLOT=1
variable, rudimentary plots are saved as .png
files in the case directories:
: contains a plot of the slab temperature for all parameters in the most recent runsubduction_q.png
: contains a plot of the surface heat flux for all parameters in the most recent run
These can be opened with any standard image viewer, e.g. eog