- This program is for DJMAX RESPECT V, selecting music randomly
- It uses keyboard macro so DO NOT run at other apps to prevent from unexpecting situations
- Download Link
- Launch Random.exe
- If it is initial execution, Click 'MODIFY DATA' button, Select your own DLCs and Click 'MODIFY' button to edit your music list data.
- If you purchase new DLC, do it again to refresh.
- Set filter as you want.
- Press F7.
- You have to set several things for correct operation: sort by title (A to Z), 'ALL TRACK' category, 'KOREAN' language
- Enjoy.
- Q. When DJMAX is running and I press F7, the screen freezes for a moment and then it just steps down once.
- A. I don't know why this happens, BUT I know a solution. Just restart program. From now on, please launch it after launching DJMAX RESPECT V.
If there are any other issues, please tell me.
- Redesigned UI
- Added 'Filter Configuration Save' function. now Selector saves your last setting when you close app.
- Added 'History Window', which shows what music was selected.
- Changed 'Data' Tab to 'MODIFY DATA' Dialog, which indicates what DLCs you have.
- Fixed hotkey(F7). now Selector will start when you press 'F7', not release.
- Optimized codes.
- Fixed 'voldenuit' to 'v o l d e n u i t' in AllTrackData.csv
- Fixed a issue that was not selected correctly when an initial letter of music is the same as that of previously selected music
- Added 'Mode' filter
- Added 'INPUT DELAY' function
- Added function that display what music was selected
- Fixed some UIs
- Added Icon
- Fixed from Console Based to Window Based
- Released