This library helps integrate rawes in a pyramid application.
To install pyramid_rawes, use pip
pip install pyramid_rawes
To activate pyramid_rawes
config = Configurator()
By default, this will add an instance with all the default parameters (eg. Elastic Search is assumed to run at localhost:9200). To configure your rawes instance, you can use the pyramid settings file.
rawes.url = http://localhost:9500
Once you have activated pyramid_rawes, a rawes instance is added to the registry.
To get a rawes instance, call get_rawes with the current application registry. Eg. in a view:
from pyramid_rawes import get_rawes
def search(request):
ES = get_rawes(request.registry)
# execute search
# ...
You can also get a rawes instance by calling the get_rawes directive on the config.
config = Configurator()
ES = config.get_rawes()