Implementation of a Monte-Carlo like statistical sampling method for a time integration of a Fokker-Planck equation, coupled to a hydrodynamic field.
In addition to the terms of the GPLv3, any publications that make use of this work or derived work must cite
- rustc >= 1.21-nightly
- FFTW3 3.x
- libclang 3.x
For a minimal build environment, have a look into the Docker image defined by
Due to the use of serde and syntax extension in testing code, rust nightly is necessary at the moment.
If all prerequisites are fulfilled, build with
env RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo build --release
to get performance benefits from auto-vectorization.
Compile FFTW3 with
./configure --enable-threads --enable-sse2 --enable-avx --enable-avx2 --enable-avx512 --prefix fftw-3.3.7/build CFLAGS="-march=native"
Usage instructions can be found when
Run cargo doc
. Or
in the root directory to include
also non public functions into the documentation.
By default the simulation output consistst of concatinated LZMA compressed blobs in the MessagePack format. It also includes an uncompressed header encoding the simulation parameters at the beginning of the output file.
A byte buffer
containing such a compressed blob at an offset offset
and size
can be trivially read with python with
import lzma
import msgpack
with open('output.msgpack.lzma', 'rb') as f:
buffer =
buffer = lzma.decompress(buffer)
msgpack.unpackb(buffer, encoding='utf-8')
One way to optain a runtime profile is using perf:
env RAYON_NUM_THREADS=1 perf record --call-graph=lbr <simulation>
env RAYON_NUM_THREADS=1 perf record -F 99 -b --call-graph=dwarf <simulation>
Using frame-pointer
is not reliable since the are often omitted in builds (as are they in opt-level >= 2
in rust). lbr
is faster, but only available on Intel Haswell CPUs and later. On Skylake it is limited to a call depth of 16. dwarf
results in rich information, but produces quiet heavy profiles. It might be necessary to reduce the sampling rate, for example -F 99
, in perf
In case flamegraph
tools are installed, a flamegraph can be produces from the perf profile with
perf script | stackcollapse-perf | flamegraph > flame.svg