Module provides enhancements to sales rules, such as:
- search for all coupons assigned to rule (Magento 2.2+ required)
- free shipping for specified methods
- coupon assigned directly to customer, visible on customer account
- Magento 2.1+
composer require clawrock/m2-customer-coupon
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Clone the repository to
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Go to
Stores -> Configuration -> ClawRock -> Customer Coupon
- You can modify message that will be displayed in customer account when he is lack of coupons assigned.
- Go to
Marketing -> Cart Price Rules
, select rule or create new one, - IMPORATNT! To make this option works, you have to select
Free shipping - for shipment with matching items
tab, - Select methods that you want to be free in
Apply free shipping to
- Go to
Marketing -> Cart Price Rules
, select rule or create new one, - If you have specific coupon, add customer email to
Coupon assigned to customer
to assign it, - You can also assign customer to auto generated coupons, just go to
Manage Coupon Codes grid
and type customer email in input box.
To run test run from console: vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist