Slack-API lets you build simple response system for slack's slash command API.
For production make sure you have composer installed. Then run:
composer require clawrock/slack-api
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
Basic example with anonymous function.
use ClawRock\Slack\SlackFactory;
//Create new dispatcher
$dispatcher = SlackFactory::dispatcher();
//Add commands to respond to your request
->run(function ($req, $res){
$res->addText('Hello world!');
You can also add Guard to manage the user/team/channel permissions.
use ClawRock\Slack\Enums\Permissions;
It's worth to notice that every callable object can be used in addCommand() method.
You can send messages via Incoming webhooks
use ClawRock\Slack\SlackFactory;
SlackFactory::getMessageService('')->sendText("Hello world!");
There are very well documented examples in examples/ directory. You should take a look on them.
Simply run
Slack API requires server with SSL enabled. Please refer to the Slack's API reference to get more informations.
If you wish to participate in the development, you may use grunt to generate the documentation files. To do so make sure you have node and npm installed.
$ node -v
$ npm -v
Then run
$ npm install
$ grunt init
And then to generate docs run
grunt build
This will also launch unit tests.
Slack-API was initiated with generator-composer, a Yeoman generator that builds a PHP Composer project.
This project uses the following as development dependencies:
Author: cr-team [email protected]