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Supported Compute Infrastructure Resources

ByoungSeob Kim edited this page May 10, 2024 · 22 revisions
  • Supported Computing Infrastructure Resources

    • Basic Resources: Public Image, VM Spec, VPC/Subnet, Security Group, VM KeyPair
    • VM Infrastructures: VM, NLB(Network Load Balancer), Disk, MyImage
    • Container Infrastructures: PMKS(Provider-Managed K8S)
  • Supported Resource Features

    • Basic Resources

      Resources \ Features Create List Get Delete
      Price Info - O O -
      Region/Zone - O O -
      Public Image - O O -
      VM Spec - O O -
      VPC/Subnet O O O O
      SecurityGroup O O O O
      VM KeyPair O O O O
    • VM Infrastructure

      Resources \ Features Create List Get Delete Control
      VM O O O O Suspend -> Resume / Reboot
      Disk O O O O Attach / Detach
      MyImage O O O O Snapshot
      Network LB O O O O AddVMs / RemoveVMs
      ※ VM Lifecycle and State Transitions:
        - Start(Create): Creating -> Running
        - Terminate(Delete): Terminating -> Terminated
        - Suspend: Suspending -> Suspended
        - Resume: Resuming -> Running
        - Reboot: Rebooting -> Running
    • Container Infrastructure

      Resources \ Features Create List Get Delete Control
      PMKS O O O O AddNodeGroup / RemoveNodeGroup
      SetNodeGroupAutoScaling / ChangeNodeGroupScaling
      ※ PMKS Lifecycle and State Transitions:
        - CreateCluster: Creating -> Active
        - DeleteCluster: Inactive -> Deleting
        - UpdateCluster: Updating
        - AddNodeGroup:    Creating -> Active
        - RemoveNodeGroup: Inactive -> Deleting
        - UpdateCluster:   Updating

  • Resource Diagram Example

  • PMKS Overview

    • (1) Request a new Kubernetes-Cluster of any Cloud via CB-Spider API
    • (2) CB-Spider creates a Kubernetes-Cluster on the target Cloud
    • (3) Deploy and manage workloads through your Kubernetes Tools after registering Kubeconfig

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