This project contains Brooklyn entities for the components of a MapR M3 system, and a sample application which deploys it to Amazon.
To compile brooklyn-mapr, simply mvn clean install
in the project root.
Note: If this is a new machine run ssh-keygen -t rsa
and ssh-keygen -t dsa
to generate RSA and DSA keys in ~/.ssh
Then, copy the generated keys to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
for the build user.
To run it, either:
Build the mapr distribution, unpack it and run the static
:export VERSION=0.2.0-SNAPSHOT mvn clean install assembly:assembly -DskipTests cp target/brooklyn-mapr-${VERSION}-dist.tar.gz /path/to/my/install cd /path/to/my/install tar xzf brooklyn-mapr-${VERSION}-dist.tar.gz cd brooklyn-mapr-${VERSION} ./ --location aws-ec2:us-east-1
Or download and install the
CLI tool from and run in the project root.export VERSION=0.2.0-SNAPSHOT
export BROOKLYN_CLASSPATH=target/brooklyn-mapr-${VERSION}.jar:~/.m2/repository/mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.1.6/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6.jar brooklyn launch -a io.cloudsoft.mapr.MyM3App -l aws-ec2:us-east-1
After about 20 minutes, it should print out the URL of the MapR master node and the Brooklyn console.
You must manually accept the license in MapR (credentials defined in MyM3App).
Once fully booted, you can resize (scale out) the worker cluster, stop nodes, and see a few sensors. As an exercise to the reader, add new sensors with the metrics you care about, and perhaps add a policy to automatically scale out. (See other Brooklyn examples for an illustration.)
In both cases you'll need AWS credentials in ~/.brooklyn/
Most other clouds should work too, with minor variations to the code (in particular the disk setup in MyM3App), as will fixed IP machines (bare-metal/byon). MaaS clouds (metal-as-a-service) are in development, over at
Any questions drop a line to [email protected].
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Use of this software is subject to the Cloudsoft EULA, provided in and at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.