We are using the following compilers:
for the serial codempicc
for the MPI codenvcc
for the CUDA code
$ make all
Comment for PDC Summer School - Check out the Project_PDC_Summer_School.pdf where more detailed instruction for the final project is located
Simplified simulation of high-energy particle storms
EduHPC 2018: Peachy assignment
(c) 2018 Arturo Gonzalez-Escribano, Eduardo Rodriguez-Gutiez Group Trasgo, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)
Read the handout and use the sequential code as reference to study. Use the other source files to parallelize with the proper programming model.
Edit the first lines in the Makefile to set your preferred compilers and flags for both the sequential code and for each parallel programming model: OpenMP, MPI, and CUDA.
To see a description of the Makefile options execute: $ make help
Use the input files in the test_files directory for your first tests. Students are encouraged to manually write or automatically generate their own input files for more complete tests. See a description of the input files format in the handout.