Releases: cockroachlabs-field/crdb-geo-tourist
Releases · cockroachlabs-field/crdb-geo-tourist
Uses MapBox
Add ability to specify "amenity" type (pub, cafe, ...)
Add the "?amenity=pub" to the end of the URL to restrict amenity type to pub (or cafe, bar, restaurant).
Amenity incorporated into the primary key
- Adding "amenity" as second component of the PK
- Refining data to only include rows (a) which have a relevant "amenity" value and (b) are located in one of the locales used by the demo
- Updates to the Docker image to reflect this
Initial version
- Works in K8s, shows the CockroachDB operator
- Small data set so the data loads quickly in the demo
- Tested on Chrome, but doesn't yet work in Safari