hackvento-19-submission-code-engers created by GitHub Classroom Team Code-Engers KAAMKAZI Team: Jayesh Sharma Hritik Choudhary Kuldeep Salve Harshdeep Yadav
It is a web application which will act as a kind of platform where people from various profession like carpenter, car/bike mechanic, plumber, technician, blacksmith, gardeners, teacher, engineer, chef, courier delivery and many more.. can connect to their respective customers with their mentioned charges.
A customer in case of need will login into this web application and compare the prices, find near by people and get that emergency work done very easily..
- In case any family travelling and their vehicle had problem on the highway, they can find and approach the right person(mechanic) and can get rid of the problem.
- There will always be trancparency between user and the worker no chance of corruption.
- Worker will get the correct price of their hardwork.
- Empowering employment.
- Skill India
Technology Used:
Front End: Material Design Bootstrap (MDB-4) HTML CSS Javascript Font Awesome Icons Backend: J2EE MySql
Development Tools: Netbeans JDK SqlYog Sublime-Text Atom
Minimum Requirement: 1 GB RAM Active Internet Connection Web Browser