A single page product filtering application that filters products based on the parameters like size, color and price(custom pricing too) and sort them too.
Also used debounce timeout of 0.4s to prevent cooking up the API.
- Next JS
- TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
- Shad Cn Ui
- Lodash (Debounce)
- Upstash
- Tanstack React Query
- Zod
22nd April 2024
8 hours
28th April 2024
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/codecommander03/Sift.git
npm install
Set up Serverless Database on Upstash:
go to Upstash and make an account Then create a vector database and get theUPSTASH_VECTOR_REST_URL
and add them to the .env file -
npm seed
npm run dev
Open the browser and go to Localhost 3000
Enjoy the application