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* JNLP install *

1. set environment variables:
export CERT_ALIAS="<insert alias here>"
export CERT_KEYSTORE="<insert path to keystore (.p12) here>"
export CERT_PASS="<insert keystore password here>"
2. build singed jar:
ant sign
3. build demo-server
cd demo-server
mvn clean install
4. Run jar web server:
java -jar target/demo-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

20170228. DAC.g

This is the PixelMed Publishing pure Java DICOM toolkit. All the
class and supporting files are included in a single jar file,


A JRE of 1.7.0 or more recent is required.

The following additional jar files from other freely available packages
may be required, depending on which components of the toolkit are used.

For your convenience, these are available packaged together in the
"dependencies" file of the current release, to be used in combination
with the "binaries" and/or "source" release file.

The dependencies are:


		All logging of errors, warning, information, debugging and
		tracing is now performed using the com.pixelmed.slf package,
		which is a very thin wrapper around a subset of the SLF4J
		facade classes and methods, rather than the previous approach
		of sending everything directly to System.err (stderr). All
		constructors and methods with "debugLevel" arguments have
		been deprecated and all "debugLevel" command line arguments
		have been removed.

		slf4j-api-*.jar is required at compilation time, but may be
		omitted at run time if no SLF implementation is used, and
		com.pixelmed.slf will log to System.err.
		A logging implementation of some kind may be supplied at runtime;
		the minimal approach is to supply slf4j-simple-*.jar, which
		also sends everything to stderr.

		The default log level for slf4j is INFO, but either the default
		for all classes can be changed by adding:


		in the java command line invocation, or per class, e.g.,:

		Other options are useful for logging background processes, e.g.:

		  -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.dateTimeFormat="EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"


		Even if slf4j-api-*.jar and an slf implementation are not supplied
		at runtime, a subset of the slf4j properties are still used (i.e.,
		com.pixelmed.slf reuses the same properties as slf4j rather than
		defining its own). Specifically, the following properties (only)
		are supported by the com.pixelmed.slf implementation:

		  org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel (default logging detail level for all instances, default is info)
		  org.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.xxxxx (logging detail level for a logger instance named "xxxxx")
		  org.slf4j.simpleLogger.showDateTime (default is false)
		  org.slf4j.simpleLogger.dateTimeFormat (default is ms since start)


		Required for compilation but currently only required at runtime
		when selective redaction of baseline JPEG blocks is needed (e.g.,
		when this feature of DicomCleaner or DicomImageBlackout or
		DeidentifyAndRedact is needed).
		Available from the PixelMed software site at:


		Required for compilation but currently only required at runtime
		for the tests related to the dose packages (doseocr and test);
		however, future versions of the toolkit will likely make more
		extensive use of junit for unit testing.


		The HypersonicSQL database. The recommended version is
		2.3.3 or later.
		See "".

		Required at runtime for applications that use a database (such
		as DicomImageViewer, DicomCleaner, DoseUtility and the various servers).
		Required for building from source.


		A pure Java implementation of the bzip2 compression algorithm. Primarily
		used to support a private PixelMed compression transfer syntax, if
		available at runtime regardless. It is available from the Apache project:

		It was formerly part of the Apache Jakarta Avalon Excalibur project
		as a component, was then folded into the Ant distribution, before
		being migrated into the commons family, together with other codecs.

		Required at runtime for applications that want to support bzip2
		transfer syntaxes ... absence will be detected dynamically and
		these transfer syntaxes will not be offered or accepted.
		Not required for building from source.

		The computation of geometric information (such as for posting localizers
		and reporting 3D cursor positions) for cross-sectional images depends
		on the Java 3D API, and since this isn't available for all platforms,
		the code makes use of the routines in this free 3rd party implementation
		of the vector math (only) parts of the 3D API written by Kenji Hiranabe:

		The official Sun Java 3D implementation also works, if it is available
		for your hardware platform.

		Required at runtime for applications that want use 3D localization, such
		as DicomImageViewer.
		Required for building from source unless Java3D installed.

		Contains encoding of person name using phonetic mechanisms such as Soundex
		and Metaphone; used for person name matching in database queries. See:

		Required at runtime for applications that want to support phonetic matching;
		absense will result in trapped exceptions and default use of canonical as
		phonetic name (i.e., the exceptions are harmless).
		Not required for building from source.

		Contains ftp and secure ftp clients.
		For use with IHE REM Dose Information Reporter transaction for transfer to
		registry (which is via ftp over TLS (RFC 4217) rather than DICOM).


		Contains support for Multicast DNS (mDNS) and DNS Self Discovery (DNS-SD)
		used for zeroconf network configuration (aka. Apple's Bonjour):
		Tested with version jmdns-3.4.1 from sourceforge unmodified (2.x versions
		will no longer work, since some 3.x API changes and features are now used).

		Required at runtime for all DICOM network applications that want to perform
		self discovery ... absence will be detected dynamically and self discovery
		will not be performed.
		Required for building from source.


		Contains support for JSON parsing:
		"" and look for the "non-Maven" links
		javax.json-1.0.4.jar is required at runtime for package
		tools that use JSON files as input to describe DICOM attributes and
		javax.json-api-1.0.jar is required for building from source.


		Contains support for reading and rendering PDF:
		Tested with 2007/06/14 GPL version.
		Note that there are also commercial (non-GPL) versions that should work.
		Also, additional jar files are available from the JPedal site, including
		the BouncyCastle cryptography provider (bcprov-jdk14-119.jar, which is open
		source) and the jdom XML provider (jdom.jar, also open source); neither of
		these appear to be necessary for decoding PDF files as used in the
		pixelmed toolkit,given the faciities of contemporary JVMs.
		There is also at the JPedal site a jar file that is not open source but is
		free for non-commercial use (only), which provides support for rendering of
		embedded fonts (pjes.jar); this is not necessary for the function of the
		tools, but may improve the quality of the rendering.

		******** GPL Alert ********
		NB. JPedal is GPL - PixelMed is not - consider this with respect to using
		and or distributing PixelMed-based source and/or binary code that depends
		on the JPedal functionality - the only thing that will not work if JPedal
		is not included is rendering of PDF (com.pixelmed.dicom.PDFToDicomImage)
		Not required for building from source (reflection is used to detect if
		present at runtime when necessary).

		Though not a dependency per se, the web server does support the use of
		Takahiro Katoji's AiViewer open source GPL Java applet from Akira Iwata's
		laboratory at the Nagoya Institute of Technology with the web server.
		It is available from "".
		To use it, make sure that the class files are in the "dicomviewer" folder
		in the root of the web server folder (where the stylesheet is), as specified
		in the web server properties. The DICOM dictionary is not necessary but can
		be put in the same location. Then set the RequestTypeToUseForInstances
		web server property to APPLETDISPLAY. Alternatively, include a jar file
		in the classpath that contains the dicomviewer/*.class files.
		Alternatively, one could modify the AppletDisplayTemplate.tpl template to
		directly get the class files from the Nagoya site, but then the local
		java security policy file would need to be changed to allow the applet
		to access images from a different server than that from which the class
		files were obtained.
		Not required for building from source.
Java Image I/O

		Support for reading and displaying images with compressed transfer syntaxes
		depends on the availability of native or pure Java Image I/O (JIIO) codecs.
		Conversion from consumer formats (com.pixelmed.dicom.ImageToDicom) also
		depends on the JIIO codecs.
		The JRE has only a limited set of codecs (baseline JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP),
		and additional pure Java codecs (JPEG 2000, TIFF, more robust baseline JPEG,
		PNM) and native codecs (faster JPEG 2000, extended 12 bit lossy JPEG, lossless
		JPEG, JPEG-LS) can be found in the Java Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools
		(JAI IIO).
		Binary builds are available from:
		These can be used by either installing them into the JRE, or by including
		the jar files in the classpath (and the native libraries in the path).
		Native libraries are not available on the Mac, but you can extract the
		jai_imageio.jar file from one of the Unix distributions and use it in
		the classpath. This has already been extracted and supplied in the
		"dependencies" file of the current release.

		Not required for building from source.
		For further documentation of the capabilities of the codecs, see:

Fonts and Internationalization

		To support some international character sets, you need to be sure that your
		JRE is installed with the charsets.jar file, which is optional on some
		platforms. Make sure that during JRE install that you select the "custom
		installation" and select the "Support for additional locales" feature. See:
		If you fail to do this, you may get an
		As far as fonts are concerned, see the discussion in section 4.2.6 Fonts
		of the docs/DicomImageViewer/UserManual.pdf user guide.


One the various jar files have been assembled, applications in the DICOM toolkit can be
invoked as follows, using the com.pixelmed.display.DicomImageViewer as an example:

java -Xmx512m -Xms512m -cp "./pixelmed.jar:./lib/additional/hsqldb.jar:./lib/additional/commons-compress-1.12.jar:./lib/additional/vecmath1.2-1.14.jar:./lib/additional/jmdns.jar:./lib/additional/commons-codec-1.3.jar:./lib/additional/jai_imageio.jar" com.pixelmed.display.DicomImageViewer

Note that for practical display or processing of large DICOM images a lot of heap
space is necessary, hence the "-Xmx512m -Xms512m".

On some Windows Java installations, the Direct3D drivers (e.g., Nvidia) are buggy,
and adding "-Dsun.java2d.d3d=false" will help; this can also be set from an
environment variable "_JAVA_OPTIONS" ; see also

Development Documentation.

To use the toolkit for your own applications, read the documentation of the classes
provided, both as traditional Javadoc (see docs/javadoc/index.html) and as Doxygen
(see docs/doxygen/html/index.html).


Development of block selective redaaction of lossy JPEG files supported by funding
from MDDX Research and Informatics.

Localization of DicomCleaner, DicomImageBlackout, ApplicationEntityConfigurationDialog
and NetworkApplicationConfigurationDialog funded by GE Healthcare and localization
performed by SDL plc.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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