RaceKombat is a 2D platformer game where you can play against your friends in a chaotic multiplayer race. The game is built with Godot Engine, and is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS. You will need the server running on your PC (available in the releases) and can optionally use your phone as a gamepad to play the game by downloading the gamepad client from the Play Store (not available for iOS unfortunately).
The game is built for the Codemonsters community, and is open-source. You can contribute to the project by adding new features, fixing bugs, or improving the game in any way you want.
Godot Engine
Download the pre-built executables from releases, and you are ready to go! You can also download the repo and run it from Godot Engine
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- If you have suggestions for adding or removing projects, feel free to open an issue to discuss it, or directly create a pull request after you edit the README.md file with necessary changes.
- Create individual PR for each suggestion.
Lorem Ipsum
- ShaanCoding
- Othneil Drew
- ImgShields
- ACB-prgm - Gamepad client
- Shaan Khan - Built ReadME Template
Para abrir los scripts con VS Code, y no con godot, hay que hacer esto:
- En Godot ir a
Editor>Configuración del editor
- Ir a
Text Editor > External
- Activar
Editor externo
- En exec path poner la ruta al archivo
- A continuación, poner
{project} --goto {file}:{line}:{col}
Finalmente, instalar el plugin godot tools en VS Code.
¡Y ya está! ¡Puedes considerarte un genio!
- Abre el directorio del projecto en vscode.
- Instala godot-tools.
- Averigua el path a tu ejecutable godot.
- En las preferencias de godot-tools, añade el path.
- Reinicia vscode, y al abrir un directorio godot, en el popup que sale, dále a
Open Godot Editor
Para actualizar el url de origin con un nuevo nombre de usuario:
1- Entrar en el archivo
y eliminas user.2- En Windows:
Step 1: Open Control panel.
Step 2: Click on Credential Manager.
Step 3: Click on Windows Credentials under Manage your credentials page.
Step 4: Under Generic Credentials click on github.
Step 5: Click on Remove and then confirm by clicking Yes button.
3- En Linux:
git config --global --unset-all
NOTE: Godot Engine v3.4.3 breaks iOS multitouch, use earlier versions or v3.4.4 RC1 onwards.
You will need a computer running MacOS to do this
- Choose any Team ID. (Ex.
) - Choose Identifier. (Ex.
) - Choose Required Icons.
- Export Project to an empty folder.
- Open terminal, go to your project directory.
- Run this command:
xcodebuild -scheme YOUR_SCHEME -archivePath archived.xcarchive CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO
- replace YOUR_SCHEME with your scheme (target/app name, or runxcodebuild -list
if unsure;-ArchivePath
is optional, as it refused to export to the indicated path.) - Then just go into
. Your .app will be there. (In my case,~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/appname-gibberish/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/appname.app
) Make a new folder called Payload, drop your .app into it. Zip it, and rename it to .ipa. - Yes, really.
Rudimentary script for building unsigned .ipa for this project
- Without developer account, I recommend using AltStore with the
made with the method above. This has the advantage of being able to renew the 7-day free certificate automatically. - Otherwise, just open the generated xcode project and build it directly with your Apple device as target. This way will force you to redo this through xcode after 7 days.
- The app needs the
permission when exporting through godot to connect. - For general setup, read here.