This package adds tasks to push, pull and copy mariadb databases along with various subtasks for dumping, importing etc.
Easiest way is via composer. Just run composer require codenamephp/deployer.mariadb
in your cli which should install the latest version for you.
Use the included tasks in your deployer file. You need to add the database configuration to your hosts:
->set('database', [
'user' => 'application',
'password' => 'application',
'name' => 'application',
'host' => 'database',
All supported options are documented in the \de\codenamephp\deployer\mariadb\database\factory\database\iDatabase::fromArray
For the copy tasks you need to have ssh agent forwarding enabled since the hosts try to connect directly using a local key. This key must have access to both servers. This way, the copy can work without the servers knowing about each other.