A base package to provide common interface for secret manager integration with the intent to make them easily exchangeable.
Easiest way is via composer. Just run composer require codenamephp/platform.secretsmanager.base
in your cli which should install the latest version for you.
This package provides the basic interfaces for secrets, payloads and a client. Use this package in your actual implementation and just build implementations against services.
There is a simple, lightweight proxy system in place. This is used to load secrets lazily and ideally only once.
use de\codenamephp\platform\secretsManager\base\Secret\Proxy\String\Factory\WithClientAsClassMemberFactory;
use de\codenamephp\platform\secretsManager\base\Secret\Sealed;
$client = new SomeClientImplementation();
$factory = new WithClientAsClassMemberFactory($client);
$secret = $factory->build(new Sealed('someSecretName', 'some-project'));
$multipleSecrets = $factory->buildMultiple(
another: new Sealed('anotherSecretName', 'some-project'),
more: new Sealed('moreSecretName', 'some-project'),
); //remember you can use parameter names as array keys for variadic
$allSecrets = [
'some' => $secret,
...$multipleSecrets, //simple spread is possible
The proxy interface extends \Stringable so it should be usable wherever a string would have been used.
Because of the way deployer fetches the secrets you should wrap the values in closures. This is because when fetching the configs Deployer does checks for closures and return them "as is". But the else path just passes the value to preg_replace and assumes an array callable so this will return null in the end.
->set('database', static fn() => [ //this closure fixes the issue
'name' => 'some-db',
user: new Sealed('db_user', 'my-project'),
password: new Sealed('db_password', 'my-project')