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(tutorial) rackup howto

joseph edited this page Feb 8, 2012 · 2 revisions

rackup How-To

By Sam Roberts

Config File Syntax

The config file is if none is specified.

Handling of config files depends on whether it’s .ru, or something else. Its important to define the application that rackup will run correctly, failure to do so will result in mysterious runtime errors!

  • .ru:

The config file is treated as if it is the body of

app = { ... config ... }.to_app

Also, the first line starting with #\ is treated as if it was options, allowing rackup arguments to be specified in the config file. For example:

#\ -w -p 8765
use Rack::Reloader, 0
use Rack::ContentLength

app = proc do |env|
  [ 200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, ["a"] ]

run app

Would run with Ruby warnings enabled, and request port 8765 (which will be ignored unless the server supports the :Port option).

  • .rb, etc:

The config file is required. It must assign the app to a global constant so rackup can find it.

The name of the constant should be config file’s base name, stripped of a trailing .rb (if present), and captitalized. The following config files all look for Config: ~/bin/config, config.rb, /usr/bin/config, example/config.rb.

This will work if the file name is octet.rb:

Octet = do
  use Rack::Reloader, 0
  use Rack::ContentLength
  app = proc do |env|
    [ 200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, ["b"] ]
  run app

Auto-Selection of a Server

The specified server (from Handler.get) is used, or the first of these to match is selected:

  • PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN is in the process environment, use FastCGI
  • REQUEST_METHOD is in the process environment, use CGI
  • Mongrel is installed, use it
  • Otherwise, use Webrick

Automatic Middleware

rackup will automatically use some middleware, depending on the environment you select, the -E switch, with development being the default:

  • development: CommonLogger, ShowExceptions, Lint
  • deployment: CommonLogger
  • none: none

CommonLogger isn’t used with the CGI server, because it writes to stderr, which doesn’t interact so well with CGI.