It bypasses Root detection from the app (such as Game or Banking)
Root permission is required to execute the Loadable kernel module.
- When the app searches for root-related files, it returns a fake file or path.
- Set your target apps at is_target_process() in main.c
- Provides a fake su that is used when su is not installed. (type fakesu in shell)
- Download and build kernel sources such as Lineage OS.
- Build guide :
- Android cross compiler is required.
- Download :
- Open the Makefile and modify the kernel source path and compiler path.
- Loadable kernel module (.ko)
The error type can be checked with the dmesg command.
- failed to load hook.ko: Invalid argument
- (dmesg) disagrees about version of symbol printk
- (demsg) Unknown symbol printk (err -22)
- When compiling a kernel, the compiler should use Android-aarch.
- failed to load hook.ko: Exec format error
- (dmesg) disagrees about version of symbol module_layout
- Kernel and Loadable kernel module versions must match perfectly.
- modinfo hook.ko and uname -r in your mobile device.
- (dmesg) disagrees about version of symbol module_layout
- failed to load hook.ko: Exec format error
- (dmesg) LKM is not allowed by Samsung security policy.
- LKM is not allowed in Samsung mobile phones :: In this case, bypass it or install Lineage OS
- (dmesg) LKM is not allowed by Samsung security policy.
- Galaxy Tab S6 Lite (Android 11) / Lineage OS 18.1